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Millie boosted

if you're looking for a computer grease monkey with over 8 years of professional experience plumbing almost any sort of , old and new, please take a look at my tech page and DM me for a CV! i'm in desperate need of an income after almost a whole year being rejected a position anywhere now

Millie boosted

mastodon needs quote retweets because it's the only way i can make my bots funny

nobody gonna follow through an LB

CW: petplay, jealousy 

I'm going to bed sorry for being a mess

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CW: petplay, jealousy 

Jealous of random people on the timeline, jealous of my friends, sick of this, everyone gets collars and cute toys and the like and I don't and it hurts

Millie boosted
Millie boosted

some pictures from our newly started minecraft base, storage building, Create building with ore crusher and bulk washer, and an outside view overlooking the animal farm and Tinker's smeltery building

Millie boosted

if you wanna put a smile on my face go visit look at the stuff i do and recommend me for job positions or toss cash my way because i haven't had a job for 8 months now

Millie boosted

and hey, if you wanna help make next year better, or just make the end of the year more bearable,

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Millie boosted

hi support actually struggling queer latinas please

i have been unable to get a job since april of last year (if you have an opening for a frankly pretty damn good software engineer with 8+ years professional experience give me a call)

Millie boosted

if a dude can make on patreon as much as i did in my previous job as an *embedded C software engineer* just telling people online they're racist, surely i, a trans latina, can do the same, right?

Millie boosted

hey if people have the money to spare supporting a random idiot who accuses trans women of being racist for complaining about the way we're maligned, surely i can get some donations on ko-fi to cover my girlfriend's and my expenses for the next month?

Millie boosted

hi my girlfriend @Atatra is disabled living with fibromyalgia and neither of us can get a job and it would really mean a lot to us if you made good on supporting queer women by sending some cash our way if you can

Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

i'm desperately looking for a job for almost a whole unemployed year now! if you see anything you like upthread or in my tech page please DM me for a CV or send open positions my way!

#mutualaid #job #jobs #patreon #hireme

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted
Millie boosted

thank you so much to @rosenbergite for another portrait commission!

you too can be immortalized in 16 colors, just check my commissions page!

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I am sorry if I'm posting about sex and kink stuff too much but God damn my hormones will not give me a break and it's driving me crazy

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!