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Millie boosted
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Millie boosted

"It's a great day for golf, and there's no place like Pebble Beach!"

CGA portrait commission of Craig "The Walrus" Stadler for @wildweasel !

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the reason you think tv was better in the 90s is that because of the way it was distributed weekly along with other programming in a non-on-demand medium they were developed episodically meaning you could miss an episode and pick back up on the next without missing a beat but today entire seasons are made to be binged in a single night like one big long movie instead so you can't pick and choose episodes anymore you only have the big overarching plot rather than a beginning and an end

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

In pain pretty much constantly and feeling like I'm only connected to the world through a half-there feed full of static, nothing is real or satisfying, senses come and go, it's always just pain

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Nothing works anymore, brain is broken, don't enjoy the work I should be proud of, can't relax in down time, can't enjoy intimacy or feel at home in my body, everything is broken

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I'm so tired, I don't know how to keep going

Millie boosted

My wife spoils me. Stir fried broccoli and mushrooms in garlic and butter, tempura chicken all covered in parmesan. Really simple but makes me feel extremely fancy.

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making things online is lonely. i've made a bunch of tools and cool stuff online i shared with others not because i want fame and power but because i want people to enjoy them and tell me they enjoy it. i make things for others and i'm attention starved for the validation. if you ever enjoyed something i (or others) made, please, just shout us a thanks

Millie boosted

it would seem like the secret to get a lot of #reblogs on #mastodon is to post a picture of a #cat that is #actually taken with #webgbcam but instead pretend it's a real #gameboycamera

#photography #fedicats #catsofMastodon #CatsOfFediverse

Millie boosted

feeling like i should watermark pictures so people stop passing them off as actual pictures lol but also go play with it

Millie boosted

welcome to linux. your screensaver is set to ‘none’. the display power management settings UI is set to never switch off the screen. and the screen switches off every half an hour. this is because the “real” settings are in 19 bullshit files somewhere, and they all override each other. because it’s linux you can edit all 19 files yourself, it only takes a couple of hours! but by the time you’re done there’s been a package update that resets your changes. it also changed the config file format

Millie boosted

new on the #linkcache

Internet Artifacts - An online museum of artifacts from the early internet, including a working browser and Flash emulation.

Museum of Obsolete Media - A unique online museum of physical media formats showcasing developments in audio, video, film and data storage.

Wiby - An indexing search engine harking back to the early days of the Web. Make sure to go in the settings and disable the display of HTTPS sites to find some real gems!

Millie boosted

CW: lingerie, body issues, positive for once 

one nice thing is recently having found a site that sells lingerie in the uk and includes the option to display everything on a model who's not wafer thin and god damn does she 1: look great, and 2: make me feel better about my body and prospects of wearing cute/hot lingerie

CW: Jealousy, kink, griping 

Feeling dysphoric and jealous of people who have dommes and feel good and attractive in their own bodies, can't decide if I need to just block everyone who posts anything kink related or desperately buy myself more sex toys and lingerie hoping it finally makes me feel good

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!