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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

virgin "harry potter defined my chilhood now i'm 35 and still tell everyone im a slytherin" vs. chad "homestuck defined my childhood and dear fuck do not ever ever read it"

Millie boosted

is it like, elekk tradition that every time somebody ascends to the role of mod, they're obligated to lead a witch hunt against a random marginalized user and get them bullied off the entire fediverse? because it happens with a scary frequency...

Millie boosted

i'll tell you this: mastodon is a hell of a welcoming place when PoC on twitter have been talking about for a whole month how it has a whiteness problem and i, as a latina mentally ill person, have been ousted from running my own public instance two years ago

that's all I want you to internalize and think about. not the pointing of fingers, but the fact about who is here and who refuses to be.

Millie boosted

Was I one of them?

I left the fediverse two years ago, and the issues persisted, despite.

You tell me.

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at some point, if your platform has more issues than attractive features, i think you legally have to call it 'user disservice' rather than user service

Millie boosted

I'm not getting a job evidently so give me money. I need money to stay here and to buy things to keep me alive. I'd love to not ask you (yes, you, specifically) for money but literally there is no way for me to get a job, trust me I tried. Your move.

Millie boosted


if you wish there were still forums online that were queer and active, might i suggest: helping that be a reality

i can host lesbiaboard all i want. i can't fill it with users on my own. come and do your part


Millie boosted


forums never stopped existing. IRC never stopped existing. you can host your own website for cheap or even free depending on your needs. quit twitter. you're the only one stopping yourself.


Millie boosted
Millie boosted

i just hope this finally kicks people into stopping relying on commercial platforms and start making their own websites, blogs, forums and spaces again

come check mine out

Millie boosted


furries! for far too long have amy and sabrina ruled as amiga mascots! i say it's time for a new amiga mascot, and i volunteer for the role


Millie boosted
Millie boosted

Some day I will awoo, I awooed, I have made An Error

Millie boosted


we had a quiet couple of days but there are now some new links in the cache... one of them has a whole new category! wow...


Millie boosted
Millie boosted

if you like or you can now sponsor me on


My GitHub Sponsors profile is live! You can sponsor me to support my open source work πŸ’–


Millie boosted


hey you should go watch my love's streams at, i really recommend the minecraft episodes or astroneer episodes (also i'm in them!)


Millie boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!