Show newer @lizardsquid That's when I drop her high above a lake. :3

Lewd @lizardsquid Breaking news: Avery bobs, takes Avery in mouth.

IDK if that works but it's worth trying. :P

Genitals, dysphoria adj It's cuuute

Affectionate *Wraps a blanket around us and then pulls you close in my wings, gently rocking. I then nuzzle and pet the lovely dragon's head and neck a bunch.* =w= Oh okay then

Affectionate munching. Hiii, good night in advance

Attention of what kind? They were harsh times, pitting fen against fen...

abuse, mental health, asking for help 

Hi. My girlfriend is a disabled and autistic trans woman living with her abusive and controlling family in Madrid, Spain. She desperately wants to escape, but she has very little autonomy and resources, and she can't survive on her own. Her situation and abuse often prevents her from reaching out to people, and she has very little legal documentation. She doesn't need donations, but she does need local resources and support.

@Chel I didn't realize how much I'd like it before I got on here, and now I don't know how to go without anymore... ^-^;

What will happen to @lizardsquid when I introduce her to the extended family.

Several good quotes in that video to take out of context too. :D Hmm, sounds fun. :3

I tend to stick closely to reference images I can find when drawing people's characters, at least qua proportions.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!