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Mindlessly scrolling through the federated timeline after several months is strangely comforting. :T

personal health (-) 

I've been dealing with nonstop tinnitus the last several days and ughhh. its been taking a chunk out of me

seems likely that this is going to be the new normal, so I'm just gonna have to get used to it but holy fuck this sucks. it isn't as bad as some folks have it, but it's definitely noticeable in a quiet room - and very noticeable when trying to sleep :/

Chel boosted

when i was a kid, i remember giving a presentation on how the internet would bring people together and help end hatred. that was a while ago, and obviously it didn't work out that way.

still, i find that i am personally able to make friends that i would never have been able to make if the internet wasn't a thing. that, at least, makes me hopeful for the future, even though today and every day can be depressing.

Chel boosted

people that follow cults of personality need to ask themselves why they are here.

replicating the toxic patterns found in other social networks will poison the fediverse.

Chel boosted

the boost button can also function as a silent call-out post

Chel boosted

lewd shitpost? 

@Chel ok wow, That Escalated Condiserably

look, ok, that may be true but other than the router, tho; im the top

you must concede.

that moment when you need to rate limit your spouse because because it turns out that she's using literally every last drop of bandwidth available to us, such that I couldn't even ping google.

I thought I was having adapter issues. nope, just @scarly doing her thing 🤦

ilu bby

Chel boosted

i feel like it's my job to mess up in life so i can tell others how not to do it

Chel boosted

i don't feel like i have to be ashamed because i'm not a "perfect programmer"

anyone that thinks that they're perfect in any area is probably mediocre and near to drowning in their own priviledge

Chel boosted

i feel like the educational system in the US is tainted by capitalism and is more or less just a factory for producing dehumanized worker bees for our capitalist hellscape

the revolution should not omit colleges and universities. really, i feel like they should be the first things that are looked at and completely redone.

how in the fuck does it make sense to run a School like a corporation??? yet, that's pretty much the way that things are done. for colleges/universities it's about that $$$

American Food Review (why?) 

if I was asked why I'm eating these, the answer is...

"because they were there, and I was morbidly curious"

deep and profound, I know.

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American Food Review 

the real challenge begins now: the lunchables nachos w/ cheese dip & salsa pack

the chips are ... well, they remind me of unflavored doritos, but not as good, the cheese sauce is the stuff of nightmares, & the salsa is like watered down tomato sauce with sugar - this is the first one that is honestly just hands-down inedible

which doesn't really surprise me - processed cheese sauces always make me leery as hell to say the least

at least this one came with a kitkat bar 🤷

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American Food Review 

today we've got lunchable's Asian style BBQ chicken pack 🤔

contents are 6 Fully Cooked Breaded Nugget Shaped Chicken Patties (the same as from the chicken tacos), a little 'Asian Style BBQ' sauce cup, & a some Meiji Hello Panda chocolate cookies (unexpected! I love these things)

the chicken is acceptable, though I think describing the BBQ sauce as 'Asian' is a stretch? It's pretty standard sweet bbq sauce tbh. very unexciting & bland tbh

the meiji cookies were lovely tho

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Chel boosted

today is a good day. my project passed some minor milestones that have given me a major boost in good vibes. my brain is actually stitching itself together at a rapid rate (every day is an improvement). i have also received hefty doses of schadenfreude regarding an obnoxious ex-acquaintance.

i am a happy crow.

Chel boosted

i've been fairly inactive for a few days, but I swear I'm still alive and still exceptionally gay :bun:

American Food Review 

hello friends, today I'll be reviewing Lunchable's chicken tacos pack

contents: 1 pack of shredded cheese, 2 mini flour tortillas, and 6 Fully Cooked Breaded Popcorn Shaped Chicken Patties

so going into this I expected to be miserable, filled with self loathing, & disgusted w/ myself, but after assembling my tacos I was surprised to find that they were mostly just really bland. so much so that not even liberal amounts of cholula helped

in the end it was more or less edible

Chel boosted

a single bad relationship, even a not particularly close one, can melt away years of work on self image in a single day.

if someone has an inclination to tear you down and apart, then it isn't going to be possible to reason with this and it shouldn't be your duty to forgive.

get out of and away from situations that eat into your personal worth.

Chel boosted

dancing in the darkness. twirling in the shadows cast by a light that never finds me. the shadows dance accompaniment. the night applauds. can a darkness so radiant ever bow to the day?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!