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just watched "The Official Cast Recording" episode of Game Changer and holy shit that was great

replacing 50% of my body's fluids with a milk and cream mixture so i can be half half and half

why do white chocolate tim tams feel like they're made out of 3d printed plastic?

sometimes i wonder if hardcore audiophiles even know why they listen to music

more movies should do what Escape from L.A. did and have a surfing scene slapped in there for fun

they should combine euro truck sim 2 and american truck sim into one game and put in a really long bridge that goes between the two areas

been playing Yakuza 6 and after talking to a character i then needed to walk completely normally and unhindered up some stairs to talk to a different character and the game blasted me in all caps the goal of "INFILTRATE THE SECOND FLOOR" like come on now it's not that exciting

why does every photo of a puffin look AI generated what the hell is going on???

i think social media would be better if the character limits worked like the signs in minecraft

for a society that's obsessed with car parks there sure doesn't seem to be many that are well designed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!