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mh (-) 

Hey, I may not be showing it super-outwardly but I’m just… overwhelmed and stressed lately, way more than usual. It’s not all bad, but I’m probably gonna make myself scarce for the next week or two, save for existing obligations and whatever’s needed to fulfill them. See y’all when things are a bit calmer!

Ack. I’m trying to set up a Linux server for something but it’s been so long since I’ve actually used Linux on the server side. D:

(Specifically I’m trying to set up nginx-rtmp, and while I can find basic setup guides, setting up good authentication so it’s not an open server seems trickier. >< A lot of “for best results you should write your own script where...” or “half the files in here aren’t meant for production use” from my Googling, when I was hoping for a more complete solution.)

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

spreading leftist ideals is a good thing and silencing conservative voices will save lives.

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Lenalia! boosted

Why do ableds think you can only have one disability

Lenalia! boosted

Please use an ad blocker when watching my streams.

Twitch corporate BS 

That famous “Big Bill Hell’s” ad but it’s Big Jeff’s Twitch and begins with “FUCK YOU, SMALL STREAMERS!”

Lenalia! boosted

The day I want to close my Mastodon account I'll just post "Linux is bad" like pulling the pin on a grenade and run

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

Twitch Stream 

It's time to get started on Ys Origin! I'm probably experiencing the order of expected information flow for this series as incorrectly as possible, but hey. I'm getting there.

Also, once my planned games are done, I'll be doing Ys 1-3 on PCE for sure.

furry stuff (+) 

So a friend of mine’s gone from cringing at anything to do with “furries” to telling me about the Sonic OC she built up “ironically” to just openly gushing about her furry Star Trek OC, and at this point I’m just kinda over here going >:3

(When she got up to phase 2, I just went up to her and said “Girl, you can just have a fursona. It’s OK.” Now I’m just waiting to see how long it takes until I can ask if I can pet her fursona. XD)

Lenalia! boosted

The local Kroger type place put up these, and I'm sure this is some of y'all's aesthetic

Twitch stream 

This is a terrible idea, but what the heck:

I'm running part of Cosmic Race in Big Bad Game-a-Thon next weekend, but I've never played it all the way through or seen anyone else do so. So let's fix that, if only because I'm morbidly curious. XD

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

Twitch stream 

I know I don't stream as much as I used to on my channel, so I'm trying to make up for it a bit by streaming some of my practice for Big Bad Game-a-Thon (since the event's next weekend). Come on in and say hi!

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Loving* the intersection of surveillance capitalism, quarantine, academia, entitled professors, and indentured students going on right now.

Basically corporations are pushing "Academic honesty" software that's creepy AF spyware students are forced to install to take tests and then demanding garbage like "Let us record a 360 pan of your space and you while taking the test"

This has been a thing with contract gigs for awhile, but contractors aren't paying for the privilege.

I've seen some real crap from student friends past few weeks.
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!