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Lenalia! boosted

ecology professor update: one of her parrots mimics the sound of the phone ringing. when she goes to pick up the phone, her parrot says "ha ha, it's the bird"

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
You can tell a lot about someone's lot in life based on if their worries about AI tech are "AI will take all our freedoms" or "AI will be used to reinforce the already ongoing theft of our freedoms"
Lenalia! boosted
Giving a large enough block of space to let runners stream their own timer and mayyyybe a little extra was a glorious disaster of a decision.

uspol mention, mh + and - averaging out 

I'm gonna be honest, when I saw the news about RBG last night, aside from it turning me from "stressed but managing it now" to "DEFINITELY NOT managing it now", it made me wonder why I was doing a run in Big Bad Game-a-thon. What was the point, really, in a time like this?

But having actually done my run, I feel like I get it now. Giving people something to take their minds off things in turbulent times? Definitely a good thing to do.

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uspol mention, mh + and - averaging out 

So, the thing I was nervous about this morning? (My first-ever run in a gaming marathon?) Went much better than I expected or hoped for. That made me happy for sure. :D

And now that I have that out of the way and got a bit more sleep, I'm starting to process last night's news, and... yeaaaah, shit's fucked. D:

But I still have some positive energy from having SOMETHING go right, even if it's something small. Small solace, but I'll absolutely take it.

Lenalia! boosted
Oh gods we're live. The event I've worked on for 3 months to get ready is starting in 10 minutes.

Big Bad Game-a-thon is a kusoge and "unusual" game marathon focusing on speedruns with a dash of showcase and chat-interactive content. We've got mod-staff scheduled 24/7 and are aiming to provide a friendly and positive atmosphere to showcase some weird stuff.

I'll basically be here all weekend.

Lenalia! boosted
Yo, tagging a thing "meta" and talking about it with hushed vague references like "the event" does not help with people opting out with mutes, informing people what's going on, or helping people not in the know learn of things that may impact them

It also causes a bunch of anxiety for people who may not even be involved or able to take action, floods the timeline with vague shit that can only be opted out of with massive wide-sweeping mutes, and can cause confusing if two "meta" events are going on at once.

Please for the love of god stop.
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

When you have seven fursonas and have been to twenty furry cons but still aren't sure if you can call yourself furry it's 

Impawster syndrome

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

Harry Potter, videogames 

[eyeing birdsite] Cis people really don't like being told "hey if you buy this a huge bigot is getting the money from it" huh

Lenalia! boosted

Cloud Strife boofing an estrogen materia

That's it that's the toot

Lenalia! boosted
Speaking of! Big Bad Game-a-thon is starting in just over 24 hours. It's a yearly labor of love some of us in the Kusogrande/Bad Game Racing community do to showcase a bunch of off beat and infamous games in a chill/positive atmosphere.

Feel free to check out what we're showcasing. Stream link is in the top-right if you wanna stop by for something!
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
GameDev Industry: "AAA titles have to go up to US$75 because our costs are going up and to continue bringing you these cinematic quality experiences--"

Me: "I don't want cinematic quality experiences, I just want fun games"

GameDev Industry: "We... don't know how to do that, have 4K cutscenes directed by hollywood B-list directors"
Lenalia! boosted

It’s amazing how the Oculus Quest became the best general-use VR headset on the market and then immediately had its daddy Facebook shoot it in the foot

Okay, feeling a massive relief now that Twitch has stopped doing mid-roll ads for the moment. I still have a server to finish setting up after my BBG run, because we shouldn’t be relying on something Twitch could ruin at any time, but it’s no longer OH GOD I HAVE TO DO THIS AND I HAVE SO MUCH TO LEARN TO DO IT RIGHT IN SO LITTLE TIME AAAAAAA.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!