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Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

@admin Hi, is blocked by any chance? I was trying to communicate with someone over there and I can see her posts but she can’t see mine. I was talking to the admin over there ( on another service and she confirmed that is on the allowlist (but is wondering if she needs to add another domain).

Lenalia! boosted
Anti-shoutouts to Bethesda for attaching a text/plain part to their outgoing e-mail that contains only 'none'

There's a "Most annoying way" to do this, and you found it.
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

more games should let you be friends with dragons

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

the reason capitalists think they have "freedom" is that they use the word "freedom" all wrong.
they seem to use it solely to refer to the freedom to impose your will upon others, instead of the freedom to live at peace without imposition in the first place.

"I'm free to start my own business, where I can spend my own subservience points to hire on my fellow slaves and take advantage of the nature of the economy to exploit others!"
"I'm free to spend my time learning French because I want to and it would enrich my life."

this also explains why they all think they have a god given right to decide who gets to exist and who doesn't - that's Freedom™.

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

Christmas is coming so with it I post my favorite meme for the occasion.

Lenalia! boosted

twitch casual stream 

live with the debut of my live2d avatar and the start of a new mario hack! come check it out!

okay, finally closing excel and getting something to eat

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Me: I should eat breakfast and get lunch and do laundry and go back to bed and design the stream layouts for a thing that JST is doing on Tuesday and do a zillion other things that need to get done in the next week

Also me: Must. Hyperfocus. On. Spreadsheet. For. Hypothetical. Future. Project.

Me: ><

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!