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Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

still wild to me that ffxiv's arc went from "we are discontinuing sales of this game because it's so awful and no one is playing it. we're sorry" in 2011 to "we are discontinuing sales of this game because it's so acclaimed and literally everyone on earth is playing it. we're sorry" in 2021

Lenalia! boosted

Holy shit.

Glider PRO has been ported in it's entirety to web on via the original game's source code.

to add to this, it's also available as a native android app on Google Play

the web version is also complete with the house editor, where you also import and export custom made houses.

Lenalia! boosted

Not gonna name names but I think some of yall are animal people

Lenalia! boosted

Seeing other trans people being happy beings me unimaginable joy and strength

Lenalia! boosted


i really, really love the concept of pandaemonium being a prison where instead of just unmaking the thing you created, they have to lock it up and have a building full of experts study it to understand exactly how you fucked up SO badly trying to make a horse

it's like the funniest possible outcome of creation magic

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Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

so like, scales, right

could you power wash a dragon

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

what does wifi stand for

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

oh you like final fantasy? name every person in the queue

Lenalia! boosted

real footage of @kat and i mourning the loss of the low poly grapes

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

aliens are going to find a totally dead planet in a thousand years and wonder what happened, and our ghosts are going to pray they never realize we sacrificed everything for a 5% gain in steve mcshitfuckโ€™s crypto portfolio

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!