Okay, change of plans! darkwitchclaire will mainly be posting from plush.city for a while, so I'm moving over there too. Sorry for all the waffling back-and-forth, but I'll see y'all there!

Hey folks! I have an alt now: @lenalia@plush.city. I'm kinda going back and forth on whether this'll be my main account or that one, so feel free to send me a follow over there if you like. ^^

Lenalia! boosted

the "haha i think robots are neat is all" to "being robotkin" to "saying 'beep boop' out loud irl as a stim" pipeline

Lenalia! boosted

🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️ Discussion: Big O notation

:blobowo: My brain, despite being familiar with the actual subject:

Lenalia! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

This is a repost sorry I don't know the op, but I love this game legit soo much 🥰 redd.it/rr22lv

Lenalia! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Thank god the cis are here redd.it/rqhj2c

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

my favorite thing is when ffxiv's story is like "what's the point of living if you don't care about other people and enjoy exploring the world around you" and steam forum threads are like "ugh fuck this story, everyone at square enix fucking sucks, new raids when"

Twitch casual stream 

It's been a while since I've played Sword and Fairy 7, so let's get back to it!

Last time, Bai Moqing reluctantly returned to her family. And while they're heading back on the ground, we're going ahead via magic birb to find out what's really going on...


Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

i think it would be cool if facial hair only grew with consent

Lenalia! boosted

Who keeps putting christ back in christmas? I just took it out last week!

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

No matter how much of a sandwich purist you are, you must concede that there exists a sandwich between every two slices of bread on the planet.

Lenalia! boosted
If a sandwich is any filling between two breads, how many sandwiches exist in a salad with crutons and what is the most efficient way to create a sandwich between two given crutons?

Travelling sandwich problem.
Lenalia! boosted

I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival. ~ Audre Lorde

Lenalia! boosted

forget "day" and "night" themes, every site should have a dark theme and a light pink theme

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

Periodic reminder that "Just google it" is dangerous advice. You're asking someone with professed ignorance of a topic to wade through a sea of adversarial SEO hacks and deliberate misinformation. This is how people fall for e.g. the propaganda from Autism Speaks.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!