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@Jehan no :( knockoff fakey fake east coast pog but i chugged that shit and i’m getting more next time i go to the store

@void i drank the whole 2 liters before shabbat started tonight

got pog juice at seven mile today and it’s making me miss bennie more

menst, covid 

@void nooooooooooo i’m so sorry


@void oh i thought i were saying you forgot you were supposed to fast and so chugged it within the fast window and so was more concerned


@void i of all people can’t judge u for that but be well dude.. gl tomorrow

just found out but i’m a cheerleader used to be NC17 and babbitt had to make a lot of cuts to get it to be rated R that’s just straight up homophobia.... there’s like one dimly lit pg13 sex scene

@void you can be doing badly whenever you need to do badly

catching up on OLD commissions and trying to figure out what was the first photo in my commissions post back in MARCH.... oof

food disordered eating 

why do i feel extreme guilt every time i buy food— prepared or raw ingredients! that’s not normal!!!!


i don’t have anything to cook for rosh hashana except like. mushrooms and onions i could sauté????? that does not a rosh hashana feast make. i kind of am sad and busy and tired and i just want to get sushi

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!