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bored gonna give myself another piercing i think

games dont make me feel better doing art makes me feel better and i always forget that and go into a 3 week long spiral of downloading bad phhone gacha games and mobas and wondering why i feel so grey and unproductive

losing my mind at this episode of monk they’re interviewing a figure drawing teacher and his regular model called in sick so he just stripped naked and got on the platform himselfbdhehdsuwgvsshajejehdn

OOPS my hpv vaccine has been overdue for 14 years.

just throwing things at my laptop until this website lets me GET A DOCTOR


have tried to change my obgyn 4 times now and it’s still stuck on the one my mom sees in virginia i’m going to lose it

spending so much money on skincare i just set feminism back ten years

he hehehehehe i made sharps in EVE online (ft. elliot’s fanart of her ♡ ♡ )

gore body horror 

i know i like wrestling but i actually didn’t want to see untagged gifs of people using power tools as death match weapons on twitter!!!!

@Jehan @void fever broke you now have to go back to worrying about mango

fun maksheyfe merch idea: hand printed t shirt that says “i only kin addicts”

aughhhfufhghff my juno playlist is so evil

@Jehan but seriously i know this week is gonna be rly rough for a lot of reasons and i am always always here for u if you ever want to talk about anything or just like. play minecraft or something. anything you need that i can do ily

i dont want to work on my business card i want to build ocs in MMOs all night

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!