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Good morning.

I am afraid that I must inform you that the arachnids are developing optical disc technology.

saving this as my main, so come follow me on so you know what never mind it's spongebob they literally make jokes about her bad times but then tid cold too ;w;

It feels WRONG that there isn't like a Splatoon Saturday morning cartoon. Because it has that aesthetic 110%.

mh i wanna do things but it's 1:38am and i gotta slep ughhhhh

PSA to White Folks about White Centered Racism 

If a person of color trash talks white people and you find yourself hurt and upset by it, bare the following in mind:

The way that made you feel is an emotion that most people of color experience every single day. They have to carefully bottle that emotion up and hide it away from public view.

If you see a glimpse of that anger, don't try to police it. Instead try to quietly empathize with where it comes from.

If you do, it won't be about you. ♥️

body, gross 

Alrighty which jerk designed the human body so that it has a state of dehydration where you suffer no noticeable side effects except that your brain goes "water? Pffff who needs it? Squares, that's who. You're fine!!" Until you actually decide "huh it's been a while since I drank any fluids, I'll just have a small glass of water since it's hot" and your brain suddenly goes "I NEED IT I'M A SQUARE GIVE ME THE SPLASHY STUFF OH MY GOD"

And then...

Bladder: "just as planned...!"

Do not forget that I run a Pokémon-themed Mastodon instance at!

You might want to give it a try if you're a Pokémon fan, or recommend it to a friend of yours who likes Pokémon and doesn't have a Mastodon account yet!

We have all Pokémon icons as custom emojis, additional features like doodles provided by glitch-soc, a clear moderation policy to ensure user safety, and accounts like @potd_bot or @pokenews !

Way of the Samurai 2 ramblings 

One thing I do really love about this game is that it's pretty simple to just pick up how to play. It's not terribly complicated really aside from figuring out where to go and what to do for the storylines.

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Liberapay is in trouble, here's our blog post that explains the situation and what you should do if you're one of our 2000 active users:

Way of the Samurai 2 ramblings 

By why I mean all the npcs who otherwise just refer to you as male no matter what

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Way of the Samurai 2 ramblings 

Oh good lord i keep forgetting just how bad the voice acting is in this game.
It's abysmal. It's truly some of the worst. I mean there's a couple characters that give convincing performances, like Muto Goshiro, but they really are the exception. Very much so.

Also there's only a couple specific characters that actually call you miss if you play a woman. Which is odd But I suspect is perhaps a localisation issue. I suspect they originally used a non gendered term?

as a side note i need more cute scrunchies for my hair

oh right i was gonna go fuck about with Way of the Samurai 2 wasn't I

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!