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me: look at this cute fennec

fennec: E̶̮̳͍̣̱̜͎̞͟Ę̰͜É̺̬̰̤͖̥͍̳̦͘E̯̲̞̖͠E̵̫̜É̛͔̼̳̞̹̺̝̘E̵̹̼̤͈̫̝̹E̵̸̛̻̱̻E̩̩̳̕͞É̵̶̖̗̻̘Ḛ͙͘ͅE̶̸͏͚͓̱E̡̙̗͉͠E̻̯̲̝̳͎͘ͅ

me: haha yes adorable

(it doesn't record shit like modifier keys at all haahahahaha)

tl;dr my keyboard has a macro function and I figured out how to make it work but it is next to useless.

keyboard: "Hey I have macro features!"
me: "oh wow that'd make some things really useful! How?"
keyboard: "lol i dunno check manual"
me: "oh okay I'll just look up the manual on the website and-"
website: "lol no we don't sell this keyboard any more"
me: "...fuck, okay, time to dig out the physical manual"
manual: *KNOWLEDGE*
me: "yay! Let's try this!"
keyboard: "macro recorded :) "
me: "aaand test"
keyboard: *does nothing* :)
me: "...what"
keyboard: :)
me: "WHY!?"
keyboard: :)

Hey, friend!

Remember that even in places of healing like these federated spaces, you can still accumulate anguish, stress, and tension.

And anyone who cares about you will implore you to step back and rest easy.

Find catharsis, revel in solitude, sit and heal, recuperate... Never feel impelled to constantly participate at the expense of your mental fortitude.

You are not DRM. You don't have to be Always Online!


hahahahaha fuck it's so fast it breaks

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Ahahah oh god

I played SS2 last night some and got the mods installed to make it look prettier and it works for the most part but oh my GOD there is some jankiness with bodies. ^^;;

people's hips and legs are ... kinda messed up ^^;;

I don't know who on this website needs to see this, but I have a feeling someone does.

mn in that unfun space of having finished a game and now being unsure of what to do with myself.

... tried playing some Tower 57 and....

... it's... okay?... I dunno I don't feel much regarding it. It was an okay diversion but...

Apparently, the BBCA broadcast of Doctor Who has a bunch of plot-relevant stuff cut out to make room for advertisers, AND that extends to the paid streaming services too. No wonder this season isn’t making much sense.

As always, piracy is the better option.

TIL there are extremely rare blood types beyond the usual ABO scale

i've never been curious about what blood type i have before now, but now I Urgently Need To Know How Special I Am

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!