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shoutouts to that time I came back from work when I was still living with my parents to find my younger brother had used my pc on the sly and was probably looking for porn, and had installed a bunch of dialer malware onto my pc.

which couldn't connect to any phone line or anything because I was on a Cable connection, not ADSL or dialup, thus utterly negating most of the negative effects they might have had.

It was kinda adorable and a little sad really on the program's part.

If you throw eggs, milk, or flour at someone the police are likely to try to do you for assault

but if you throw all three at the same time it's batter-y :blobthinkingsmirk:

in fact the entire Numb album by them is pretty great it seems. Now, if you HAVE heard of them, you've PROBABLY (like I did) heard of them through Road Rash (3DO/PS1/PC), and the two tracks they had on that OST, "Simple Passing" and "Trip (N)"

both of which are also amazing tunes.

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I dunno if most of my followers have heard of Hammerbox ( I know at least one has. I know it had good taste . aaand I need a winky :3 face with double fingerpoints emojo . hm. imagine I put one here for you, friendo <3 ), but if you haven't, Imma recommend em. Here's a couple tracks on teh yewtewbs

Attack of the Slime Creatures:
Anywhere But Here:

renbot remembers what that FROOTIC was about, and I'm sure it was a pun

but I can't.

I cannot remember the pun

this will haunt me


Star Trar: Deep Speep Neep

shoutout to LuigiBlood for reminding me that Nintendo's "Game Processor" patent was already available in english and already outlined most of the write protect logic on the RAM carts after i had already taken the time to figure it out by hand with a multimeter

anyway check this out, it's about a very little-known mouse-driven system for making "official" SNES homebrew

Yay, time to get the fuck out of work.
All the fuck. Every single ounce of it, removed from work.

Set the fuck free

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!