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summoning the power of the few times so we put a wash of clothes on rather than just the toffee ones

"Mind the gap"?? heck no, I don't mind the gap at all. @daylight is good and cute *nodnod!*

posted a thread covering everything I know about Nintendo's "Game Processor" system. features patents, game footage + images, cartridge info/pinouts

Recommended instance block

So much queermisia, racism, antisemitism, etc. It's absolutely terrible

making racists on Etsy accountable (ok to RT) 

If you find non-Native sellers on Etsy branding their merch as Native American, that's a legal violation of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, so if the sellers don't make amends when the gravity of this error is explained to them, you can report them to the Board:

Does anyone know if there's a similar last-resort thing you can do to stop the many non-Romani sellers on Etsy branding their merch as "gypsy"?

no but seriously numbers can be funny but I get a lotta joy outta my till coming up with £4.04, or 3.86 or shit like that

tired: "lol 69/420 aayyy lmao"
wired: 486 fuck yeaaaaaah get me that 100mhz chip!

" This man had a £5.25 milkshake wasted because a despicable human being was walking through the town. We aim to raise funds to replace the delicious milkshake that gave its life in sacrifice in the fight against toxic rhetoric. "

Also he probable needs help paying for legal stuff

I finished every puzzle in this picross game on my phone and have leftover tokens...

Guess I'll wait until more puzzles come out ;w;

tired: Milkshakeing fascists
wired: Cracking open a Cold One on the Proud Boys

Do I know anyone who needs a component to VGA box? I no longer need one myself and I’d love to pass this along to a new home.

Origami, I love my Darling 💗, finished origami projects 

LOOK at how cute my Darling is!!!

She nearly recycled her finished products, I made sure to snatch them up so I can hold on to them forever.

Also y'all,, her smile is literally so precious and perfect and I think I've fallen harder in love with her. I didn't think it was possible, I already adore her with all of my heart.

That smile is just so perfect and heartwarming and I can't breathe she's so cute 💗💗💗💗

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!