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mmmm My Lost Last Step by Lymbyc Systym is a good track yes (It's off their Carved by Glaciers album if you want it). Then again there's a LOT of good tracks over their various albums.

I was cleaning out links I had kept for amusement/specific purposes and I forgot I had favorited the Silent Hill Wiki Circumcision meltdown that is sadly lost to time thanks to Storify's shutdown.

Please tell me someone saved it :(

The following link to my friend is coming to the same view of the same time as well as the registered owner of a small flat rate box of course

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Okay phone show me your most magnificent totally predictive text post to date...

Oh no it's hot and still no it's supposed to be cold and windy and wet what is this bull hockey

toilet humour, kinda gross 

Huge shoutouts to pooping on company time; one of the most relaxing ways to earn money.

Aaand just like that my break is over. Welp. Three hours left

Hey folks - if you use Liberapay, get your money out before July 26th! Looks like their financial processor is kicking them out so you need to get your money before then.

It's really easy to do - just log in and click through your notifications to get started!

work griping 

Meanwhile our bonus is affected by how quick we can serve customers and how long they're kept waiting and those who are left are made to work double or triple as hard to make up the shortfall, which is utter shit. Wages are ok, but when the heating is on in summer but it "costs too much to have the AC on" I will be glad when I can quit. ...

.... Wonder if I could hijack the pa system radio to play a few select tunes when I go?

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work griping 

She is also "off sick" conspicuously now for two weeks... Ie the notice period. I'm glad for her because this shithole is falling apart. I mean our security guard (singular. As in the only one the store has for its entire premises) is like, what, pushing 70? 80? And really should be retiring. They haven't even started looking at a replacement.

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work griping 

It doesn't help that my team leader and her defacto replacement both quit recently.

Okay so my team leader went off sick when she fucked her ankle up mid shift slipping on a spill nobody had noticed but got a way better job offer while off. Good for her.

Her "temporary" replacement was a lovely girl who really was wasted in this place, and she told me she got a job offer from a dream job of hers. I told her, no uncertain terms, go for it. She did. :)

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Oooo boy really regretting taking a shift that started and ended two hours later than I usually do because we were very short staffed...

To be honest I'm just regretting having to work here really.
It is getting kind of ridiculous.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!