I got 69/69 at the Bechtel test by letting all women talk to each other

Boost this and I’ll assign you your very own animal side kick

(No bugs but yes reptiles)

my grand plan to get rich when I was lil was to buy skittles dot com when the internet was new n sell it to the company that made em for millions of dollars n part of me still thinks that's possible lol what is up w that

Maybe me constantly saying i don't exist is wishful thinking :blobhyperthink: :blobhyperthink: :blobhyperthink: :blobthinking: :blobthinkingeyes: :blobthinkingcool: :blobthonkang: :blobthinkingsmirk:

Family trouble, ableism mention, fascism mention 

@Nezumi i am so sorry all that happened. That sounds like a nightmare. I hope you have the chance to surround yourself with more supportive people in your life.

being personally threatened by several dozen mastodon instance admins because i tootred that i was,, "Hornt for lasagana", on jorts dot Horse, whcih they've now ""blocked""

fukc you, fuck you, i will never surrender, it's a legitimate medical condition,, eat my ass,

300 years ago you had to date an artist to get a decent lewd of yourself

Few things will make me cry out in frustration than Adrien telling Marinette that she's her friends' every day Ladybug

food pic 

@amy looks almost identical to a thing of mac n cheese i ate recently lol

food pic 

@amy this mac n cheese looks super familiar

New Years???? More like New TEARS hahahahaha (this is a cry for help)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!