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put those earplugs in. buckle up. and prepare for - deafeningly powerful mlems

why can't I cuddle friends over the internet yet

Become the semi-digital entity you want to see cuddle in the world

me: computer!!

computer: aah!!!

me: shit shist sorry i didnt mean to startle u

computer: its ok

Become the site of accidental poetry you want to cuddle at in the world

A mastodon instance which mines dogecoins, and doubles as a dogecoin wallet

Loitering: the act of existing in a capitalist space without succumbing to capitalism

turn that
*looks at inscrutable facial expression*
oh god
please do not turn that upside down

Become the mysterious circumstance you want to see in the world

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!