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I went upstairs to put clothes in the washer and dryer, and when I got back saw that Little Man had decided it's his chair now. I guess I'll have to sit somewhere else.

From the days when History channel was still doing the job of educating, the series Life After People is now on YouTube. A wealth of information on how fragile our infrastructure is, along with how resilient nature can be.

I'm having sort of a Santa Clarita Diet day, today.

"I know you're worried that I'm going to kill someone, but look at all the people I *haven't* killed! Literally everyone in the world, except three people."

The moment when you're reading a magazine and you want to go to the next page, but the magazine has locked up or something, because tapping the edge of the page isn't working. And then you realize it's a paper magazine, so it doesn't care if you tap the edge of the page.

This building has been vacant for years. The county sheriff department uses it for training personnel and dogs. This morning the parking lot has a kajillion* Teslas in it, for no known reason.

*Kajillion is an estimated number.

My ring says I'm having a really good day. I don't know if I have the energy to argue with my ring. It usually wins.

I got a new phone. One of the features is a camera that can zoom in and take high resolution photos only 3cm away from the subject. This has made it much easier to see how filthy my keyboard is.

I ordered a holster case for my phone from Amazon. It had to make a trip of ~75 miles, from Buena Park, CA to my office.
But I guess it wanted a little vacation and sight-seeing before it got to work.

Good article in WaPo that explains something I've struggled to understand - why are people in the US so pessimistic about the economy when indicators show strength? Turns out it just takes some perspective.
I'm a DINK household - dual income/no kids. I own my house, so my housing costs are stable - and about half what I'd pay as a renter. I could afford solar, to drastically reduce my utility costs, just before food costs went up. I'm not representative.

Several years later, I ran into the artist again, at the gallery, and told him my story of woe. I regretted I'd never be able to afford one of his pieces. He took me out to his truck, where he had 6 pieces that he was delivering to the gallery - told me I could have any one I wanted, for $500. I was stunned - and of course I jumped on it. I picked this one.

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After too many weekends of wet, cold, rainy weather, we finally got a sunny Saturday. So that meant cage cleaning day. Thank goodness for power washers. And Scooter still hates the spare cage.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!