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Turns out she’s the cousin of a friend of ours!

Claudia Sheinbaum Makes History as First Woman Elected to Lead #Mexico
A climate scientist and former mayor, Ms. Sheinbaum became the first woman and Jewish person elected as president of the country.

@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic looking for non-rabid #DoctorWho fans for discussions of both the classic and revival series

and by non-rabid, i mean people not on the β€œit’s gone woke”, β€œJodi Whittaker destroyed the series”, etc. bandwagon

Pride Kitty wishes everyone a happy and safe #PrideMonth πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

#pride #kidlitart #mastoart #caturday

Most racists, though they may not realize it, are radioactive. Most people of color are Geiger counters.

Being able to almost immediately identify a racist isn’t a parlor trick or a lucky guess. If you’ve lived among them and have had to survive them, being able to recognize them comes almost instinctively. Can there be doubt? Of course, absolutely. But it’s when there’s no doubt that one is consistently right.
#racists #racism

@WmShakesp3are @hannu_ikonen

on the GOP?


if they lose

if enough morons in the usa don't vote or vote third party, considering what is on the line if trump wins, then the joke is on the rest of us, and the world

If #Europe's biggest mistake of the 20th was the failure to deter the nazis, the second was the failure to punish the soviets for their atrocities.

Putin's fascist imperialism is the result.

#StopRussianAggression #RussiaIsATerroristState
#Russia #Ukraine #genocide #WarCrimes #UN #ArmUkraineToWin #UkraineWillWin

Hey, Trump!
You had an opportunity to take the stand and defend yourself. You passed on that. The jury weighed the evidence and heard your defense team’s arguments. Guilty: 34 counts. You were found guilty. Stop whining. Shut the fuck up.
#HeyTrump #HushMoneyTrial #Trump #GUILTY

Hello people of the US, Germany here.

We have a bit of experience with a convicted felon and radical right-wing extremist becoming leader of our country.

Our advice: Don't do it.

It's important not to accidently write the sentence in this form: "Trump is appealing."

(I will show myself out.)

I PROFOUNDLY DISAGREE with those saying it’s a β€œsad day for America” or we shouldn’t celebrate in the streets.


This is a victory for the RULE OF LAW.


Thursday was a GREAT DAY!

#vote #TrumpGuilty #OrangeFelon #vote #voteblue

You too can buy a Tesla, and support the main share holder Elon Musk, who abuses his social media platform to convince his 185 million followers, that the US justice system is corrupt, because his favorite criminal is brought to justice.

Or you could buy another car.

Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans?

If so, I have you covered!

I wrote this simple app where you type in a size (e.g. 1.2 meters) and it will output more useful units, e.g. "It is almost exactly the length of 7 medium-size bananas"

i swear the venn diagram of trans issues and neurodivergent issues is a just a fucking circle

  • research to find a "cure" when there isn't one, nor will there ever be
  • the best method of treatment involves accommodation and affirmation
  • there is no single way to be either of these

y'all agree or nah?

There is increasing disparity between what the public wants and what the politicians want.

The public wants litigation against #FossilFuel companies while politicians continue to approve extraction projects.

#FossilFuel companies don't just cause #ClimateBreakdown, they threaten #democracy.

Vote with your wallet as much as your ballot.

Now that the verdict is out, the right is acting predictably deplorably. But no matter! The good news around the conviction of Donald Trump far outshines their darkness. I walk through it all in today’s piece. Check it out in the replies.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!