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It saddens me that the future direction of this country is dependent on the narrow group of people who don’t see the clear choice we have.

On one side we truly have The Deplorables who want to send us back to the 1950s except with the richest 1% not paying 1950s taxes. Minorities losing rights. Women losing rights. Environment being destroyed. Destroy Social Security. Cold War. Christian values in the bad sense.

On the other side, we have people trying to have universal healthcare, multicultural society, science-based policy, democracy, equality. Social programs.

And it all hinges on people who can’t decide between these two because Biden was 3 years older, or Israel is an ally, or Kamala laughs or was a prosecutor once, or immigration is out of control even though it’s not actually any different than historical average.

#MastodonForHarris now has its own QR code. If we share it widely, we can make mobile giving easier.

Even if Trump says he won't ban abortion pills and he refuses even to promise that. He'll hire fundie goons who regulate them out of existence. project2025istheocracy.substac

She's doing it. "The same Black voters who split 70% for Biden to 23% for Trump in previous polling now break 78% for Harris to 15% for Trump." πŸ‘πŸΏ

Future president Kamala Harris did not come to play games. If this holds, and Black folk check and re-check their voter registration every month, then Harris wins.

CNN/SSRS polling still makes the same mistake that everyone makes about US elections: They report on the category "people of color,"πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

What color? Is it Black?

Think you’re registered to vote? Think again. With all this purge’n going on, you could be x’d out and not know it. So, check online with your Sec of State or call your County Board of Elections. Then register your girlfriend, your wife, and your mailman.

Then contact the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, League of Women Voters, Rock the Vote or Black Voters Matter, and commit to a couple of days at your local registration drive. In Florida, it may mean you’ll get arrested. I’ll send a file in a cake.

I can only imagine this man's lawyer rubbing his hands together, and laughing maniacally:

Also, as an "official act" (hello SCOTUS!), Biden should unilaterally make voting day a national holiday so no one has to choose between participating in democracy or still having a job.

And create a universal vote-by-mail incentive that's so good even red states can't turn it down.

And maybe replace postmaster DeJoy. Like, what the heck. How is that trump stooge still in office?

The media spent a month talking about Biden's mental faculties. They talked about almost nothing else until Biden stepped down.

Now, suddenly, the media has decided that the mental faculties of a presidential candidate is no longer a national emergency that requires constant discussion, and have largely moved on to other topics.

@ScottSoCal @barney @w7voa

Manchin & Sinema sabotaged initiatives & were rewarded handsomely for it.

They were literally bribed by Republican donors.
1. Voting rights
2. Election security
3. Minimum wage
4. Carried interest tax loophole
5. Green New Deal
6. Public education protections
7. Immigration reform & border security
8. Russian sanctions
9. Saudi Arabia weaponry
10. Jan 6 investigation
11. Reproductive access
12. Senate confirmations
13. Filibuster Rules
14. Gun safety


Federal minimum wage in:

2009: $7.25
2010: $7.25
2011: $7.25
2012: $7.25
2013: $7.25
2014: $7.25
2015: $7.25
2016: $7.25
2017: $7.25
2018: $7.25
2019: $7.25
2020: $7.25
2021: $7.25
2022: $7.25
2023: $7.25
2024: $7.25

Folks, it's time to raise the damn wage already.

BREAKING: After Kamala Harris raised over $250 million the last 2 days, Clarence Thomas contacted her asking if she’s looking for any vacation guests.

Harris declined the call and referred all inquiries to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

"I haven’t seen this level of mass enthusiasm for a Presidential candidate since the Obama '08 campaign. The party is united, and energized. They don’t want to spend a few weeks evaluating who the candidate with the highest favorability rating might be. They want to stand together, declaring in one voice 'We won’t go back' and defeat the existential threat posed by Trumpism."

~ Dave Karpf

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #Democrats

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@ScottSoCal @Tharpa @locksmithprime @otownKim @Lightfighter I’d suggest Dylan’s Knocking on Heaven’s Door but no one would answer him

I had 35,000 music lovers following me at that other site before Elon Musk ruined it. Please follow me here and help spread the word in the Fediverse.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

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