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Hearing that attack on titan is fasc propaganda makes all those emblazoned backpacks kinda awkward now huh i actually like PHP and I'm told this is a Sin so welcome to hell ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

it took a while to get into the puzzle solving flow of it but Haven Moon is really growing on me. the waves in the game sound really peaceful too

i moved my monitor some amount of inches one direction or another for the first time in months and now [i]everything feels wrong[/i]

i don't know why people keep posting about april fools on today, march 21st, but it is making me panic repeatedly lmao i'm not very far into it and only have the first paper volume but that seemed kind of evident already

how garbage are we talking?

@theoutrider i'm not sure which version is the one i have, it's just like the basic bluray release. but it's always a fun ride.

people keep posting that screenshot from a godot tutorial comparing game dev to cooking but the real gem on the godot tutorial site is the one for encrypted save games, which starts off like this:
"Because the world today is not the world of yesterday. A capitalist oligarchy runs the world and forces us to consume in order to keep the gears of this rotten society on track."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!