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more lewd 

i desperately need to be fucked raw sometime soon, honestly

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love waking up and -immediately- feeling horny as fuck

sex with a trans woman 

when you and your girlfriend keep trying to convince each other that "actually, I'm the lucky one in the relationship!" until someone has an orgasm. 🤣

one day i hope to be attractive enough to feel okay about posting lewds

*to the tune of that twisted sister song*
i wanna smooch

My body is a temple 

Long abandoned and full of snakes

@Shadow8t4 i bought it on 3ds a while back and i didn't use a map or a guide and i felt so lost, haha. only managed to beat the first dungeon

Every cat deserves a cardboard box to feel safe in

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!