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hi i need money would you like to buy some hand crafted pixels bring your face, bring a picture, bring a pet, that's right, we'll draw your pet

Updated Chrome today, and was immediately given a prompt about how my browsing preferences would be directly used to feed me ads.

Chrome auto-enabled a feature that sends sites info to send me personalized ads based on browsing history, the ability for sites to determine what I like and update the ads as I browse, and the ability for sites to measure ad effectiveness.

These are built-in features of the browser now.


“AI” enthusiast: i have made a chatbot that answers your questions

Software developers: you fucked up a perfectly good search engine is what you did. look at it. it's got hallucinations

The folks that worked on this LEGO age check text field (!!) are automatically the best web developers on the planet right

(Sound on for perfection)

"my brother in christ" - old, boring
"my sister in satan" - new, interesting

however i introduce
"my sibling in the void" - unique, engaging, yet neutral

One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn, but it changed everything.

-- breach :: #pico8 #tweetcart

for i=0,9do t+=.01u,v=64+cos(t/24)*30,64+sin(t/20)*40for x=0,23 do for y=10,20 do local x,y=x*6+y%2*3,y*4a=atan2(u-x,v-y)pset(x-cos(a)*28,y-sin(a)*28,15-i)end a=x/24-t/8pset(u+cos(a)*20,v+sin(a)*20,1) end end goto ⚝ִ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!