I wound up getting an icon as well ha
selfie, eye contact
I do, I do
You are kinda a panacea tho
It is kind of like divine gerrymandering the boardgame
I picked up Santorini today. It got the seal of approval from both @ThingQuail and @datastains.
I was trying to shower in peace but @ThingQuail burst into the bathroom saying something about "fishing for gays" and jammed their arm through the curtain, dangling a swedish fish from their hand
...yes, i chomped it so what
I'm @messy_muse on there!!
Personal Biases
Good!! I hope you have a super lovely time. Eat some tacos for me
And I wanna take you guys to 4 stones, though that's another field trip
Personal Biases
Hey. I used to live there (well, Texas, not Dallas). I won't say there aren't scary situations and a lot of unquestioned biases, but I do think if you're in Dallas with your friend you'll be just fine. I actually just got back from a trip to Austin myself, and I definitely ping more, ah, visibly queer than I did when I lived there.
OUR daughter is gay
So, let me talk for a second about how badass @datastains is.
There was a huge spider menacing me and she put on a glove and JUST GRABBED IT with her mfukkin hands and tossed it away
How can you just do that and be unscathed and not gibbering in existential horror
This actually doesn't make me less inclined to let you order AND now I kinda want Green Lettuce again
characters, identity, bad associations
I don't think you're entirely in control of associations other people hold. I feel maybe it'd be different if it a personal species made by someone bad rather than sort of a stock fantasy species. That person didn't in any way create hellhounds.
characters, identity, bad associations
I feel like LOTS of people have dog characters. I really don't think this is quite the problem you're worried it is, love.
Caper. Furry, poly, vegetarian, v queer, 29 y.o, quail-ish. Rawr? Very rawr!!