Because feeling relaxed is very nice and EXTREMELY RARE for me, I decided to read some wikipedia, which led me to do this online questionnaire... sooo yeah...
Even if I found a way to mute all #bots, many of them are untagged and don't have bot in their name.
Am I the only one having a problem with all that "automated" content in the federated timeline?
At least my local timeline is sapience-created 😊
I'm feeling very relaxed right now 😊
Hope it stays that way!
It's almost... like it's the #weekend 🤔
minecraft mods
@lizardsquid I don't know why I said "pretty cool". It sounds amazing, really!
minecraft mods
@lizardsquid "only 98 mods, meaning it's lightweight and quick" 🤔
Just kidding, it sounds pretty cool!
@linkskywalker Yeah, Windows has been getting worse for a while now, imo 😦
I only use it for gaming 😅
There's a pretty sweet-looking client called "Tooty", but development seems to have stalled and it doesn't support emoji shortcodes... that's a deal-breaker for me 😭
@lemming Oh cool, muss mich mir mal näher angucken!
Und rausfinden ob es Online-Shops gibt, die das akzeptieren, die was haben was ich will 😆
@linkskywalker Ah, that "one window" thing has been around for a while now!
I think you can get the windows floating again, if you want to...
Huh, I didn't know you could make Win7 look like that. I was hoping I had come across a ReactOS user 😆
@lemming Ja, stimmt.
Ich schätze das ist irgendwo zwischen Überweisung & Payal? 🤔
Deine Bank sieht nicht was du zahlst, aber es landen trotzdem alle Daten irgendwo... 🤷
@lemming Ich zahle liebend gern bar!
Und danach per Überweisung!
Ich bin immer enttäuscht, wenn Läden im Internet nur Paypal nehmen 😦
@arielmt Oh wow, the membrame keyboard...
I guess it was only the successor that had "real" keys, and even those were horrible from what I hear.