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@FreyaManibrandr a bit tired since I fell asleep pretty late, but better than I was last night.

a personal question directed towards every single person reading this 

@mavica Yes.

You've really helped me figure myself out in many different ways.

When I didn't have someone I could rely on for trans advice anymore, you were more than willing to listen to me, and support me any way you could.

You're a wonderful friend. You mean something to me, mavica.

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area Patreon: It's Shellshock Nam '67, a Vietnam War game released in that weird time where those were popular, by a developer you wouldn't expect.

Just $1 (or more) will get you to see it early, otherwise it goes live next Wednesday.

Update: I've now written down a text reference of Beverly Bun.

Now she just needs to be drawn.

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I'm glad in the time since I've come up with a better name, I was gonna call her "Jyn"/"Jenny" at first.

Beverly fits better because ~alliteration is fun~

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@mavica Seems it sometimes takes a while to figure out who one is.

Even if the signs were there the whole time.

Sifting through my documents and found a "fursona ideas.txt," last updated in January of this year.

One was improving the style of Tonic.

The other was to create a female curvy bunny.

...I guess I've been wanting to make a bun sona for a while!

I think that's why I write in my blog about obscure games nobody's really heard of, or stupid dumb trivia bits.

If it's fascinating to *me*, it has to be interesting or entertaining to someone else. It doesn't deserve to be tucked away.

I guess that's what drives me these days.

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For example:

One of the more entertaining things I did Friday Night was binge-watching old Computer Chronicles episodes with @mavica and byte's friends, and one episode had a guy who pretty much was *the* inspiration for Johnny Turbo, and they were amused by it.

That's the kind of dumb stuff I like talking about tbh

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Gonna be honest, I wish there were more friends who aren't savvy into stuff I know a lot about, but are willing to listen to me spout dumb trivial bullshit.

Like I could talk about dumb game show stuff for a good while, and such

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!