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Another restless night where I'm thinking a lot about myself, and who I am.

When it comes to figuring myself out, I'm eager, curious and scared all at the same time.

This is one of those times where I wish I had some support, with hugs or words of encouragement.

It would definitely put me at ease.

@mavica I'm gonna worry about it because I get concerned about you.

You're not a problem. I want you around, and so do several others.

I know I'm making a dumb game grumps reference but Madness' Our House is still a banger

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I kinda wanna talk to people about stuff and things but it's kinda late

Have to keep reminding myself that nothing is permanent and that it's okay to change things

Why is it whenever people talk about Tiger Electronics, it's always about the crummy LCD games or the

it's never the other ridiculous stuff they put out like Lights Out or Henry:


I haven't had twinkies in a while.

They're still alright. Not something I'd eat regularly but something I don't mind having every once in a while.

bev! boosted

gonna play some NES DuckTales this weekend. call it games done quack

Beat Dishonored.

I am terrible at stealth games, so I'm not surprised by the end I was just murdering every fool that I came across.

Love the art style and look of the world though, so it balances out.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!