Oh right, I think I was looking for that song last night, of which I'd later find out the version featured on Techmoan videos is actually sped up due to the media format he used to play it.
Music is a fascinating thing.
@DarkWitchClaire bnuuys, perhaps?
New on the Secret Area: It's Shellshock Nam '67, a Vietnam War game from... the guys who would go on to make Killzone?
Likes, shares and comments appreciated.
@mavica that looks like a neat piece of hardware
@mavica morning, bun
yet another thing about gender
before I fell asleep last night, I started thinking more about what things I like about being masc as opposed to what I like if I were more femme.
Let me tell you, there aren't very many things I like about being male.
I don't know if this is me coming to terms with who I am or, if it's just some silly thing I'll think about and move on from, but this feels like an important step.
@mavica it squobit
(aka tonya)
39/pan/trans. she/they.
writes about dumb junk about video games and music sometimes.
your woof friend. may also be bnuuy or kitty depending on mood.