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Lately I've been talking on discord with a few friends to pass the time during the evenings

While I may not talk a lot on them, it makes me feel more comfortable than just talking to myself or putting on a video or podcast alone

It's that sort of thing I need more of, so I don't feel alone as much

for some reason parts of olivia newton-john's "magic" has been stuck in my head since I woke up from a nap.

of all the songs to have stuck in my head right now, it had to be *that* one?

I may not be seeking relationships right this moment but I am totally seeking cuddleships.

wait do those even exist

bev! boosted

so this boy walks up to the counter and screams "rhythm! heaven! now!" and his mom says "daniel we cant keep doing this"

bev! boosted

selfies, ec :boost_ok: 

I took a shower today and decided to try one of the pairs of shorts I got.

They're a bit snug but I think they look cute on me regardless.

morning, folks.

your bun friend is still having sleep problems, sorry 😪

@mavica I know that feeling all too well. Too many "ours" instead of "it's", and it giving autocomplete with words not even in the letter I started with. :blobugh:

Kinda makes me pine for the days of my old android phone with an actual keyboard

bev! boosted

it sucks that movies nowadays are all made in front of a green screen. as a result they really lack the magic of the classic movies, back in the old days, when they used to use a blue screen

selfies, ec :boost_ok: 

I took a shower today and decided to try one of the pairs of shorts I got.

They're a bit snug but I think they look cute on me regardless.

bev! boosted

Only downsides to today was buying a top that's too tight on me, and not finding any good leggings or tights.

But to be honest I could probably just shop for those last two online, heh

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I got clothes!

I got shorts!

Turns out the rumors are true: they are comfy and easy to wear

bev! boosted

A new version of Keen Dreams, "Commander Keen in Keen Dreams: Definitive Edition" was released for Nintendo Swtich yesterday, and as usual I'd like to remind you not to buy it since part of the profits benefit the current owner of the ip Javier Chavez who is a nazi.

So I chronicled all the games, DLC and expansions I've beaten from 2013-today from clunky text files into a handy spreadsheet.

Downside is this shows that there were some years where I didn't play that many games.

I need to rectify that, since I still buy new games on occasion.

@BatElite eh, not really. Still having the problems of short bursts of sleep and then dozing off in the afternoon.

Hopefully will be able to buck that trend today.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!