mh (+)
after feeling a sense of anxiety and dread for about two weeks, I finally resolved it by doing something simple:
heading outside and doing a few things.
got bloodwork for an upcoming doctor's appointment. helped with some shopping. lifted and carried a bunch of stuff around.
that combined with being a bit more open to talking with my father boosted my spirits a little.
turns out "go outside" is good advice!!!!!
This IBM Selectric II was only $20 at a thrift store, what was I supposed to do, abandon it?!
Anyway, it powers on but is hella noisy and doesn't quite work.
I figure I'll spend some time debugging, and if I fail it's a lovely paperweight until I save up the cash to bring it to my pals at Berkeley Typewriter. I've never owned an electric typewriter myself (all of mine are manual, intentionally) so this will be be a unique adventure. #typewriter #IBMSelectric
New(ish) on the Secret Area: Here's some stuff I bought for the past six months.
I posted this on Friday and forgot to promote it on my socials. Whoops.😅
Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.
update: doing some image searching through Google Chrome has found me the actual car:
The All-Cars Charly Camel.
Cute little thing, isn't it
My new social media app is called Grouse. You can only post criticism of the 3,000 other new social media apps.
Posts are called “Gripes.” No likes or reposts—just one button to “Commiserate.” If a Gripe receives enough Commiseration it’s elevated by the algorithm into a “Complaint.”
Also there’s an academic version called “Faculty Meeting.”
(aka tonya)
39/pan/trans. she/they.
writes about dumb junk about video games and music sometimes.
your woof friend. may also be bnuuy or kitty depending on mood.