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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

fursuit friday, bandcamp friday....

there's too many fridays damn it

bev! boosted

i really need stable income but since jobs aren't real anymore i'm taking any help i can get. i have a ko-fi you can send money to and there's even some pins left to buy there. i have a patreon where i don't have any rewards because i couldn't think of any and nobody has suggested any yet. you can also get a pixel portrait for a very reasonable price. or you can tell your employer about me

Every time I see a meme involving EA and "you have to pay to see the rest of this meme," I wonder what year I'm in because I thought we moved past all that

dumb trans joke, TV commercial reference 

would you get an orchiectomy for a klondike bar

bev! boosted

The existence of "Mike Judge" implies that "Judge" is a not-uncommon last name. So somewhere in the USA is there a Judge Judge

I think I realize I need to follow more cute folks on here

real talk though: having a computer that can actually handle recent games cranked up to near-max settings and run so much better is just night and day for me

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tangentially related: I totally need to find a "Get Serious" shirt like that

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my price is right watch session has gotten me to 1980 and it was kind of a shock to see Vanna White (now known for Wheel of Fortune) as a contestant.

gender, anniversary 

three years ago on this day I decided to make the jump and chose the name that's basically been my name for the past three years: beverly jane.

it's surprising to realize that was years ago at this point. still feels fairly recent.

and of course, the journey since has been quite a wild one, though definitely worth it :blobcat:

bev! boosted

@selectric honestly the ones from 20+ years ago are more interesting than what we get nowadays

bev! boosted

Big fluffy tail :blobfoxsnug:
- big
- fluffy
- tail
- portable cushion
- fidget toy
- enhanced emotional expression
- friends can pet

bev! boosted

i haven't had a stable job in almost 2 years now please look at my stuff and tell your software engineering recruiters about the best programmer in the world (me)

physical health (~) 

I helped move a lot of things around the house as we do a bit of spring cleaning in the summer.

I am exhausted and sore.

I wish I could like, decompress and relax

I played *a lot* of The Specialists back then and the mish-mash idea of action movie locales and iconic firearms from movies and games was amazing to younger me. Even though 75% of it was Matrix references (as was the style at the time).

I know it'd be harder to do these days (licensing, mostly) but god I want someone to make a game in that spirit.

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finished Severed Steel.

is good shootybang.

the neon design was okay and the SUPERHOT-like objective pop ups were silly, but it's a fun game otherwise.

it's pretty close to my dream FPS. but I'd add more iconic locations and weapons from movies, like what Action Half-Life and The Specialists for Half-Life did way back when.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!