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bev! boosted

local retro gaming help, boosts ok 

Wanting to find someone in the PDX area who helps repair/modify original Xbox consoles.

My disc drive is slowly dying (failure + constantly being jammed), plus I bet my console's a ticking time bomb due to that capacitor issue that Xbox consoles have.

I wanna be able to use it to play some of the OG Xbox games I have and since I'm a stickler for real hardware I'd love to get my nearly 20-year-old console to get a new lease on life than to replace it.

bev! boosted

New Secret Area post: It's Blood of the Werewolf.

There haven't been very many great werewolf video games out there. Does this game break that curse?

Shares and comments appreciated, as always:

Watched about an hour of G-Phoria 2003 with friends and hoo-boy that is very much A Video Games Award Show from 2003

New Secret Area post: It's Blood of the Werewolf.

There haven't been very many great werewolf video games out there. Does this game break that curse?

Shares and comments appreciated, as always:

realizing I don't have any good dresses and that I should rectify this problem at some point

bev! boosted

Hey! Did you know I once put #Doom and #gameboy (playable!) on credit card machines? Or ported Wordle to #PalmOS ? I've been plumbing all sorts of #tech into all sorts of other tech professionally for almost a decade now (unprofesionally for 16 years!) with an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of computers and low-level embedded code. I can also do killer hand-crafted #webdesign without relying on platforms or frameworks! And I can draw you in #pixelart for a modest price!

I'm currently 99% unemployable due to being legally in Brazil and physically in the UK. I've been without a stable income for 2 years now and I desperately need something my way. If you know of any commission or contract work that won't bug me with where I am geographically, please let me know!

#fedihire #fedihired #getfedihired #jobsearch #jobseeking #jobhunting

bev! boosted

#ANSIArt of the #Linux mascot herself, Xenia! And a special guest. All in glorious VGA 16-color text mode with a 9x16 font for 4:3 screens! You can find out more about her here: #FurryArt

game shows, video preservation, self-promotion 

Was randomly inspired over the past few days to edit and upload some Rock & Roll Jeopardy! episodes to YouTube.

First one's up now, and I'll be putting up two more episodes over the next few days.

All available on my YT channel, the Secret Area Vault:

New on Patreon, it's Blood of the Werewolf.

A "love letter to classic platformers," does this game break the curse of there being no good werewolf games?

Available now for all patrons, just $1 will get you to see it early:

bev! boosted I remember footage from one of the first QuakeCons where people played Quake with a joystick. Few used a mouse, if any

I honestly wonder how many PC gamers played old stuff like shooters and racing games with a joystick rather than mouse & keyboard.

I assume it was common for a long while.

I really wish transferring VHS footage and editing/uploading videos was something that I did frequently and not be a spur-of-the-moment thing every few months. :blobupsidedown:

Call of Duty is a video game where Ash Williams from Evil Dead can kill Nicki Minaj with the super shotgun from Doom.

It's so dumb, I love it.

bev! boosted

"It's a great day for golf, and there's no place like Pebble Beach!"

CGA portrait commission of Craig "The Walrus" Stadler for @wildweasel !

bev! boosted

got both the covid booster and the flu shot yesterday and today my body is responding with "oough, oof, owie"

Hearing Kenny Loggins' Danger Zone in this waiting room is bizarre

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!