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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Finished replaying Dead Space (the original) last night.

It's a challenging yet cool horror action game.

Still holds up 👍

bev! boosted

New on Patreon: It's Wild West Showdown.

What if American Gladiators was set in the old west? And felt like something out of Mad Dog McCree?

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

anyone got decapped ROMs they need someone with free time to mark up in maskromtool? :boost_ok:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Hey y'all! I'm looking for a pixel artist to help out on my game!

"Enigma Heart" is a retro-styled side-scrolling action RPG. There are no palette restrictions, although I would like to keep the visual style in roughly the SNES era. Tile size is 16x16; most characters are 1 tile x 2 tiles (16x32).

Some of the graphics have already been done by me and another artist, so a style similar to ours/ability to match it, is a must. Screenshots of the game (as it currently stands) are attached to this post.

Needed are graphics of the player character, some NPCs, monsters, and dungeon and town backdrops/tilesets.

Please reply to this post, or if you're more comfortable with a private mention, that's fine too.

Boosts are greatly appreciated!

#GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #Boost

bev! boosted

It looks like I'll have to add a detent of some kind, to make sure it always stops in a defined orientation, but the flip-dot d10 works!

bev! boosted

Tried out Split/Second (the racing video game).

There's a decent game in there, and the destruction mechanics are neat, but it feels like it's a bit too tough even for an arcade-style racing game.

I'll keep at it but it does seem to ramp up too quickly.

bev! boosted

house md 4x10 (airdate january 2008). garfield strip july 13 1986. it's the fucking source for the why do they call it oven meme

That moment when you watch a mid-90s game show called "Debt" and the discord call you're in are horrified and fascinated at the same time

look, I'm no handiwoman but I'm kinda proud of at least getting that done

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I had to climb up into my attic to fix a leaky hose in our AC unit.

the attic is a tiny-ass crawl space, and it's like 90-something out.

after a few zip ties, I got it "fixed" enough.

I am now guzzling all the water.

decided to "play" that updated avenged sevenfold fortnite map, which had probably the worst scavenger hunt I'd ever played.

I am increasingly baffled by the band's decision to make stuff like this.

johnny sevenfold give it up and just put songs in fortnite festival already

drug mention (weed) 

wait a minute, I thought being high helped you be good at video games

I'm doing worse

dang it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!