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I've had thoughts about slowing down the blog, or stopping entirely. A lot of the folks who were inspirations for me have either stopped blogging or pivoted to streaming/video.

That and AI garbage polluting the internet at an alarming rate makes it discouraging for writers like me to keep going.

I'm probably gonna keep going, though. Just because the internet is currently on fire and nobody's properly dousing the flames doesn't mean I should give up.

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For some reason I thought the anniversary was today, then after some digging and found out I was wrong.

The first official blog post was on January 3rd, a repost of a previous article on another blog I had. Then I posted the second post, about MTV2's Video Mods show.

It's been a wild-ass journey over the years, I gotta say

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Holy cow, You Found a Secret Area turned 13 years old and I forgot about it 'til today


So many folks I follow write good stuff

I don't feel the same way yet, still feel a sense of inadequacy

girl with three drinks except one is a cup noodle

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

The Pier Score: 36 Moves: 14
The Pier
You are standing at the beach next to the pier. Up in the sky the clouds are peacefully jagged and scattered. The sand beneath your feet is satisfyingly crunchy with big square grains. You smell the low-resolution fish and chips being fried from an open window above. You are unlikely to be eaten by a grue.


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bev! boosted

coming soon to : luminosity-based palette retargeting

(or, in adobe parlance, gradient map)


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bev! boosted


  • NEW palettes!
  • NEW dither modes!
  • custom pixel aspect!
  • more UI controls!
  • doesn't completely suck on mobile!

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OK here is a first release!!!

i gave up for now on quantizing colors from the source image bc it's harder than i thought, but you can still upload your own palette PNGs and use the built-in ones


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bev! boosted

did you know that you can chat online with the actual real official mascot of the commodore amiga line of personal computers right here? wow!

bev! boosted

New article: It's H2H-Xmas, a Christmas-themed megawad for Doom.

Santa Claus avenges the Doom Slayer as he goes on a demonic rampage of his own. We're not rip and tearing presents here.

Likes, shares, and comments really appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted

Mutual aid, emergency housing needed in western WA 

My queer streamer friends @RachelRox and Xkeeper just had their apartment building shot up and need help finding a new place to stay ASAP. If anyone can provide any tips on where to look or know anywhere available, please let them know. Donations can be made to in the meantime to help with temporary housing and moving expenses. Thank you all


New article: It's H2H-Xmas, a Christmas-themed megawad for Doom.

Santa Claus avenges the Doom Slayer as he goes on a demonic rampage of his own. We're not rip and tearing presents here.

Likes, shares, and comments really appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted

Here's a fun thought: Minecraft mod for disabilities. And not just cosplaying via having like, a wheelchair or walking stick you can equip at your leisure. Actual random, permanent disability that can hit your character at any time. Like whoops, from now on, on this server, you walk at 1/4 speed unless there's a walking stick in your off hand, or oopsy, now your character can only move between different seat mounts like chairs and wheelchairs, and you can't jump or mantle one block heights

New on the ol' Patreon: It's H2H Xmas, a megawad for Doom.

Christmas comes to Doom, except you're not rip and tearing presents this time.

Available now for all Patrons:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!