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@wildweasel nah, it was something made initially for classic B&W Macintosh computers, something from the early-to-mid '90s.

It was Glider and a networked multiplayer space shooter/sim of some kind that I played a bunch of in school, through a network of Macintosh Classics

Sadly I don't remember the other game's name and it's eluded me for a long time, does anyone know what it was (:boost_ok:​)

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Thought a bit about the old Macintosh game Glider 4.0.

That little ditty that plays at each level transition has been stuck in my head for a long time

(Half-Life scientist voice) you look terrible! let's try this

*hands you a weed pen*

bev! boosted

i really gotta start a youtube channel so that people will send me rare things for free in the mail

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Honestly I need to find more shooters (boomer or not) that just lean into that tongue-firmly-planted-in-cheek feel that ROTT does

That sense of absurdity is comforting

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Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition is good

I always find it funny how there was a dance song that samples the theme to The Price is Right and was a modest dance club hit in the 2000s:

bev! boosted

Every once in a while I watch a game show with just the most *fascinating* car in it

Look at this! A VW Beetle trying to be like a Rolls-Royce or something

anyway I am celebrating my birthday the best way I know how

with a nap

okay it's been over an hour of trying to use an image/video to celebrate so screw it


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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

can we go back to the time when juicero was the biggest thing in the news

made a terrible audio shitpost where the theme of Twin Peaks segues into Chuck Mangione's Feels So Good

forgot I like making dumb audio things like that

bev! boosted

hey, gamedev fedi! do we have anyone here who worked, or knows someone who did, on Deathmatch Maker for Virtus Corporation (Cary, NC, USA) back in 1997? Trying to track down who the cover artist for this thing was

because look at this magnificent thing


Was watching a commercials montage with friends and I became enamored by the bubble wall water fountain thing

so I looked up the price of one, out of curiosity.

it's... more than I expected it to be.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!