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pretty bad leap day, 1 star, return to sender

bev! boosted

A largely forgotten Boston-area band helped to redefine video game music.

Tribe, a pop rock outfit, broke apart in 1994 when three of its members started working with Looking Glass Studios.

Eric Brosius and Greg LoPiccolo went to Harmonix and helped create Guitar Hero. #videogamehistory

selfie, ec 

Eff it, some late night tightsposting

will I ever get out of the negative feedback loop of comparing my looks to others?

@noiob yeh, I wanna get that controller

not just for YARG but like, just to have an affordable Rock Band 4 controller

With Fortnite Festival rekindling my interest in music games, I decided to install and play YARG.

Is good! Needs a few cosmetic updates when it comes to the playlist but it's pretty damn great.

Wish I could say the same about my 15-year-old Xplorer guitar controller...

bev! boosted

for my 30th year being activated i want everyone to take a cool look at all the stuff i've done especially my pride and joy and send me nice messages especially if i've made stuff you liked because i've been really lonely lately

bev! boosted

Listening to Groove Salad and suddenly I hear the theme to House, M.D.

That's stranger than the time I heard Art of Noise's Paranoimia (featuring Max Headroom) on the same station....

bev! boosted

silicon valley VCs' best ideas of the 2020s:
-put a drone on something
-wrongness generator 3000 (uses more energy than a small nation)
-space pollution
-self-crashing cars
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in another country
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in this country
-vrchat but it cost 20x to make and it fucking sucks

I want to love myself, which feels like a herculean task at the moment


felt bad last night. took some medicine to sleep. feel a little better today but still kinda bleh

bev! boosted

New on Patreon: I write a bit about my frustration with puzzle platformers, and how a plucky little game called Celeste changed my opinions on them.

btw, free for everyone to read. Gonna do a test run of doing this rather than paywalling it for a few days.

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New on Patreon: I write a bit about my frustration with puzzle platformers, and how a plucky little game called Celeste changed my opinions on them.

I always struggle with wanting to write stuff, but it seems when I start, it's difficult for me to stop unless I feel there's a solid conclusion.

Anyway I'll probably have something to post in the coming days.

(to the tune of Neil Sedaka's Bad Blood: )

Bad Brain

bev! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!