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mood, death of someone famous (-) 

I hadn't followed Anthony Bourdain's stuff recently but to hear he committed suicide is just painful.

Usually celebrity deaths don't hit me that hard, but I think it's because it's someone beloved and had committed suicide which makes it hit harder for me.

It might be hard to find someone like him ever again, he was that good.

it's late and there's not many people to talk to.

bev! boosted

All these bad takes about games criticism are just so dull and *boring*.

They're merely just feigning ignorance rather than wanting to learn about criticism as a medium.

I'm so tired of this.

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you know that discord I mentioned a week or so back of the guy who linked to r/KotakuInAction?

I just had a debate about games critics of the oldest, decrepit takes:

"reviews are paid off"
"lol dark souls of games"
"guy from IGN hates Sonic yet IGN praised old Sonic game years ago????"

I am this close to like muting every channel that's not the art channels, jesus christ.

rejected rap rock remixes:

imdabes (Travis Barker remix)

Seeing the trailer for the Red Faction Guerrilla remaster use Space Asshole is such a fucking trip.

brains, kinda gross 

I should not have read a tumblr post about Rosemary Kennedy and her lobotomy.

Because I just woke up from a dream where I was playing some free-roaming game and the protagonist shot himself in the head and became a vegetable to the villain as a bad ending.

Boy that was something fucked up to think about, for sure :(

bev! boosted

that tim buckley "found" comic is even worse than the original loss comic is, and that's an impressive feat.

about internet edgelords, my mental health (~) 

They say "don't read the replies/comments."

I always do, and when I see people just sharing memes and doing greentext on a place that's not 4chan...

It makes me wonder about their mental state more than mine, who constantly looks for this trash.

Just found out I can now just watch Buzzr the game show channel straight from my web browser.

Welp there goes my productivity for the day.

Like you wouldn't realize it unless you paid attention but the bass to Foreigner's Urgent is *slappin*.

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Oops I've fallen into a trap of listening to isolated instruments from famous songs again

That moment when you join a friend's discord and someone there links to r/KotakuinAction unironically

fun fact: I have never seen The Hogan Family, it's one of those "I have too much time on my goddamn hands and want to learn about inane TV trivia that'll be useful to nobody" things I just happen to know.

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