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Man, I honestly thought my day was gonna be boring and unremarkable, but then I get some random straight boy texting me thinking I'm some chick he's trying to lay.

Like it is the most straight boy-ass pick up line and I'm just laughing hysterically here.

earworm, referencing a semi-gross meme 

I finally watched that "fingers in his ass" video that's been making the rounds.

that song mashup is now in my goddamn head.

birdsite, minor annoyance 

oh hey there's this cool furry on birdsite who gives cool threads about things, I'll give em a follow-


oh my god SO ANNOYING *unfollows*

I swear I thought it was Stickerbrush Symphony but I keep seeing it as Stickerbush everywhere.

Is this some Mandela Effect bullshit

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The most heated debate in history:

Is it "Stickerbrush" Symphony or "Stickerbush" Symphony

bev! boosted

And if you want to give a person who writes about random video game junk some money (for some reason), you can do so here:

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In lieu of writing something quirky, I decided to review a game I played earlier this year.

Ever wanted to read how a company rebooted a well-known franchise, and basically destroyed it in the process? Look no further than Medal of Honor 2010.

oh god I just realized why trans/nb people like sylveon

it's cause their colors are the trans flag :flag_transgender:


Woke up from a food coma-induced nap with the theme from Killer Instinct 2013 in my head.

Not sure *why* but I ain't complaining.

watching the E3 conferences and boy there's a lot of Cool Video Games™️ coming out.

to quote vinny caravella, "it's the best time to be playing video games."


got angry about something insignificant and feeling bad about myself for doing so

Only listening to the hottest summerjams as I wait for the next E3 conference:

bev! boosted

what the heck I feel like writing things again???

Gotta remind myself it's okay to not argue with nerds complaining about so-called "diversity" killing comics.

I always think "Can I at least convince them" and it never works and I just leave frustrated that I'm reading the same tired arguments about "SJWs are killing games/comics/movies."

the big debate: does mario say "threat neutralized" or "pizza tonight"

going back to sleep was a bad idea because now I just feel more tired.

this sucks.

I just saw PlayStation send me an email about there being "an epic win for deals" and suffice it to say I'm getting an Xbox now

considering today's news, I think I'm going back to bed.

feel free to join me.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!