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song in my head I woke up to: "To Live and Die in L.A." by Wang Chung.

that song's got some pretty harsh guitar riffs and piano rhythms.

don't know if that really means anything.

that moment when you realize the given name you've had practically all your life is somewhat androgynous.

is it a sign? hell if I know.

frustrations, telegram (update) 

Several hours later:
- Admin came in, said "no politics please"
- Even when I said dude was being transphobic, no action was taken
- Two people in the group PMed me personally to see if I was alright. One even offered a "safe space" in case things get hairy again.

I guess everything kinda worked out in the end.

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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

frustrations, telegram, transphobia 

@TonicBH what a piece of shit.

frustrations, telegram, transphobia 

Boy it's great to be on a telegram for local furries and have a user who likes talking in vague terms, but decides to call trans people "gender dysphoric delusional people."

I am so furious.

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: One of my regrettable purchases, the e-Reader and the various cards I owned for it.

Likes and shares appreciated!

new me is pretty much "don't tell me that I can't do this, because I'm gonna try just to spite you, damn it."

even if it's just walking a mile.

New on the Secret Area: One of my regrettable purchases, the e-Reader and the various cards I owned for it.

Likes and shares appreciated!

I was cleaning out links I had kept for amusement/specific purposes and I forgot I had favorited the Silent Hill Wiki Circumcision meltdown that is sadly lost to time thanks to Storify's shutdown.

Please tell me someone saved it :(

Did a fair share of productive things, and I feel tired.

Yet I want to be more productive? I don't get it.

Writing 1500 words about cards that Nintendo released for an ill-fated system, and realizing that might be why I'm so disinterested in Nintendo.

Burned too many times during my teen years just made me look elsewhere.

I'm not even in gamedev and even *I* know Game Development Is Hard.

Any dumb speedrun trick is not the fault of "lazy developers," stop saying that for the love of god, speedrunners.

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Watching someone speedrun a game called Valley and the runner keeps calling the developers lazy.


My brain keeps confusing Octopath Traveler with Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion.

So I got confused why the press/players are talking about an expansion pack so much one month after it came out.

It's 1:23AM, I can't sleep, and I'm blaring Toto's Hold the Line through my headset.

Eh, could be worse, really.

eating from a tall container of raisins is probably not the best way to spend my Wednesday morning, but whatever.

gamers getting angry at things 

There are several things about the Arenanet fiasco that's so dumb that I'm shocked it even gained traction:

- Most of these gamer chuds have probably never played Guild Wars 2
- They defected from the "guy was nicely mansplaining" to now stanning for a deceased Youtuber because she had negative things to say about him
- These gamers are now emboldened that they got a "victory" so they're doing it to other women at other studios

Have I mentioned gamers are trash?

bev! boosted

Pro Tip: it's easy to boycott Amazon if you don't have any money

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!