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That's Good is a good 80s new wave banger, but hey, I like covers that change the genre and make it as good as the original.

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Cover idea: Devo's That's Good but it has the sound of 2000s era indie rock.

I'm thinking in the spirit of something like Jet's She's a Genius.

Finally got rid of all my long hair.

I'm slightly sad it's gone, but lord it would've been hell during the trip this weekend.

is it silly for me that I really don't care whether or not Sylveon is trans?

I know I repeatedly talk about waking up with songs in my head that repeat certain sections, but it is a mild annoyance.

I shouldn't have used that Infinite Jukebox, damn it.

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Could my brain stop playing the intro to Sweet Emotion, please

Had a dream where I thought The Mask was lactose-intolerant in a sequel that never existed.

I mention this in a chat and it devolved into fart gags.

what have I done

Sleeping in throughout the day was not my idea of wanting to be productive, but I guess I needed it.

bev! boosted

| ┏┓
| ┃┃╱╲ In this
| ┃╱╱╲╲ house
| ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we play
▔▏┗┛▕▔ Commander Keen
| ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲

Imagine waking up to a nap and having this damn song stuck in your head:

bev! boosted

there's also the (publicly available) dump of when somebody was doing job shadowing at Square's Redmond office and one of the programmers scanned their fursona or whatever and made a demo with it

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Had a dream where I grabbed somebody's Nintendo Switch that had a save on some Mario Odyssey-like Sonic game and I ended up dying a lot because Sonic went Too Fast™.

Almost reminded me of Sonic Robo Blast 2, now that I think about it...

Confirmed: When it comes to deep-frying foods, I am a wizard at it.


hate being up this late.

maybe it'd be better if I had someone to cuddle?

now I'm on a tracker kick as I listen to funky stars by quazar.

It seems most of my tracker tunes are from games or I heard it on some LGR video or something.

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thinking of the time some producer sampled a tracker file for some pop song and got sued for it.

inane trivia like that will never leave my brain.

bev! boosted

Rosanna is an all around better song than Africa and the synth solo in it kicks the butt of the one in Africa

Since I have both Rock of Ages and Pretty Fly (for a White Guy) in my music collection, I can't tell what song is about to play since they both start with the same gibberish countdown.

remember when firefall was a thing?

remember when mega64 basically trolled the stream and embarrassed the hell out of mark kern?

good times.

hi I'm bad at initiating one-on-one conversations

I say this so people don't think I don't want to talk to them about things!!

I totally want to but I get nervous as heck about it :blob_dizzy_face:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!