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Today I'm feeling a little better, but not fully motivated to do things like write. :battery_ok:

The only reason I could figure out the move is he thought that he has to be on the instance where his friends are and couldn't speak to other instances, despite me saying the contrary.

Either way, that was a frustrating night. :psyduck:

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hearing people migrate from twitter to mastodon reminds me of the time I tried to get someone over here and he seemed confused the entire time despite me saying "it's like how you choose an email provider but can email others."

He at one point made an account on, then briefly on before moving it *back* to and I couldn't understand why he did that. He eventually abandoned it, saying it was "too confusing." :blobupsidedown:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

@MillennialDog I'm still proud of that shirt design that's probably half the reason the brigade came after me in full force! Look at these magnificent trans colors!

But I... You know I tried, right? Despite the death threats for disagreeing with a popular leftist, despite the callout threads... I'm just not strong enough to beat back the tide.

bev! boosted

if anyone wants to watch a Cool Video Game Stream, retro pals has got you covered with over THIRTY new old stock cd-i games they're gonna be showing off (five per stream), if you're interested:

There's moments where I wish it was possible to teleport to where online friends live just to give them hugs and comfort.

Even if I wouldn't be good at it, I just want them to know that someone cares for them.

love that hot new song "strange fursuit" by devo

As I skim through my MP3 collection chronologically, one of my proudest things in my collection is a 1960s pop song sung by future game show host Chuck Woolery.

At least it's better than his crazy fringe politics nowadays...

"Man Mastodon seems kinda dull and quiet lately"

*starts following a few people, suddenly timeline is more active*

"Man Mastodon seems busy and active lately"

Devo's Strange Pursuit came up on my Spotify.

It took me a second to realize where I remember hearing it.

It was in a video about some crappy Steven Universe runner-type game that I haven't been able to find.

A bummer, really.

Perhaps I'm being selfish, but if I give an answer that basically means "I'm gonna have what I personally want," the option should then be "whatever y'all want to individually have," not a catch-all "this is what everyone's having tonight" answer.

Since my cousin came back the concept of "fend for yourself for dinner" has died and it's really throwing me off because I'm too used to it.

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After giving the hint for the past few days of pizza rolls for myself as my dinner and getting rebuffed every time, I just said fuck it and I'm having them for lunch.

At least then I can say "I already ate, y'all figure out what you want yourself."

Watching this stream archive of some friends I've known from a game show community play homemade game shows for charity is almost insufferable.

The games are fine. The audio is *garbage*. It's like they're using the webcam microphone which means people sound too muffled and things like crowd shouting sounds too damn loud.

They need to hire an audio engineer for next year. Then it'd be pretty great. 👌

genderswapped characters 

I don't give a flip about this SNK Heroines thing but seeing genderswapped Terry Bogard and the fanart she's getting oddly makes me happy.

MetaDoom just updated to version 5.0 and I think *now* is the time for me to get back into my Doom obsession.

Probably one of the best modern mods for Doom tbh

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!