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bev! boosted

Also proof I'm a dork:

I put the full date in the tags whenever available.

Thus I'm experiencing (some of) 1967 as I speak, starting with The Rolling Stones' Ruby Tuesday, to Jimi Hendrix's debut, a bunch of Beatles, and ending with The Who's I Can See For Miles.

It's really interesting when you listen to music this way.

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Going through my music collection chronologically.

It started with nothing but Elvis and Miles Davis since that's all of my '50s stuff.

Now I'm in the psychedelic rock phase and stuff like Sgt. Pepper.

It's interesting because it gives me a decent snapshot of how music evolved even within a decade, from teenybopper pop to the later hard rock/heavy metal that would start to bloom in the early '70s.

Davis' Law is basically "If you mention a brand on Twitter without directly @ing at them, expect a response even if you didn't want it."

A reference to this old Giant Bombcast clip:

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Love two mention a weird occurrence of seeing a restaurant delivery at a doctor's office only to get a response from the brand's Twitter account because I mentioned the name.

Davis' Law is always in effect, and it's why social media will always be stupid.

bev! boosted

Speaking of technological aesthetics, there’s one in particular that has been and needs to continue coming back...


social media, birdsite, transphobia 

Obligatory "don't read the replies" to people rightfully calling it out.

Like I saw a distorted gif of Peter Griffin going "who the hell cares" in the replies. It's like they don't have an argument. :blobrollingeyes:

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social media, birdsite, transphobia 

The Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account did a "Did you assume my gender" joke and I'm like...

ughhhhhhhhhhhh :blobangery:

Falling down a rabbit hole of watching random Starcade episodes.

Probably the best show G4 ever aired, tbh

Also I wish John sczeczczelpaniak had an easier-to-spell last name (or a pen name), because I keep thinking there's a t somewhere in his last name when there isn't.

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I was reading a fair share last month but now after trying to stomach John Szczepaniak's interviews with Japanese developers and an extremely wordy version of Metro 2033, I stopped.

Time to find a new book, and I don't think it's gonna be on Kindle...

Here's some good advice: Don't eat chips and hot salsa at 2:50AM.

They say as they down a couple antacids to ease their stomach at this late hour...

bev! boosted

discussing the toot site 

thinking about how this place has such nonironic vibes and I feel like maybe the main catalyst is the cw feature? like loads of design aspects are good but having a cw option *right there* automatically makes acknowledging the content of your posts and their potential audience the easy option. if you don't cw your shit you're basically broadcasting you're shitiness. i think it's good

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

struggling to sleep at 2AM

I realized a few hours ago I wrote a short story about the IGN plagiarism fiasco and I'm wondering if I should even share it publicly

bev! boosted

shoutouts to that time i streamed tetris dx over 15 days straight, with a 'bot' controlling the game to score 9,999,999 points without clearing a single line

Yes, I'm aware MySpace was A Thing once.

Had an account there. The only notable thing I could remember was having a film/game composer in my top 8 spaces.

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Surges of new mastodon users and such reminds me of the early days of Twitter and Facebook when we were just getting used to social media being a regular thing in our lives.

Like I have 3-4 writing ideas: One short story, 3 editorial pieces for my blog since it's the middle of August and I haven't posted anything since mid-July.

Just gotta sit down and... write them. When I'm not super-busy, anyway.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!