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Hey I'm an enby person who writes silly video game things for the internet, read and share my things

Oops I started listening to the Sonic Rush OST after a conversation about it and one of the songs is stuck in my head

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

I work in IT which is the reason this house has:

- mechanical windows
- mechanical door locks
- no Alexa/HomeKit/Google
- no Internet connected thermostats, lamps, or whatnots
- a dumb TV
- wall switches for lights

uspol, family bullshit 

I already go through this garbage with dad hating Sanders because of the "Bernie Bro" movement, and absolutely detesting AOC for even daring to speak up for anything.

This is why I hate talking politics to him, I can't get him to understand the dire situation my generation is stuck under. His thought process comes off as selfish.

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uspol, family bullshit 

My dad watched the debates, and just on that alone he said he'd support Tom Steyer, because "Bernie and Biden are old and senile" and Warren is "the female Hitler."

His reason for supporting the rich guy who has no chance? "He said 'We gotta get Donald Trump out!'"

That didn't really work well in 2016, you need fucking policies to run on to be successful. :blobrollingeyes:

I was digging through my closet to find my Nintendo 64 stuff and I realize that I have a lot of junk controllers and stuff I really don't need.

I think I found like, 5-6 NES controllers? who needs more than two

man, I must be tired as I had to rewrite the same toot three times. :bloboutage:

gaming websites, PC gaming communities 

I keep getting emails from GTribe, which is some like elite PC gamer community thing, and man I couldn't care any less about those kind of places these days.

I mean, it's great you got a media player. It's neat that you got 3-4 hardware brands shilling your stuff, but I really am not that interested in that anymore.

Hell, I forgot why I even registered years ago. Probably was to win a new PC, and they don't even do *that* anymore.


Had weird camping related dreams last night.

One was going through the process of registering for a camp con before the deadline.

The other was putting my tent off by some tree near a road, then the long adventure of finding a friend I haven't talked to in ages, finding them, and subsequently trying to find my tent.

I guess I'm eager to explore or something.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

uspol, podcasts 

Tried listening to a recent Chapo Trap House episode and it was them basically smoking the hopium about Bernie, and this was before the Iowa caucus happened.

What happened to this fucking podcast? It used to be funny. Now it's basically Pod Save America but with more nihilism.

Can't believe I used to listen to this garbage.

pet death 

Our oldest cat, Boo-boo, died today.

We had that cat for a good 20 or so years, and while she was a bit obnoxious in her later years, she was a wonderful cat.

She had been feeling sick over the past year or so, so she was on borrowed time by that point.

I miss her already. :blobsad:

drunkposting, gender 

my evening so far has been drinking a bunch and now I'm just wearing my skirt not caring one bit about what others think right now

A couple days ago I found out there's a Youtube channel that has episodes of Kitchen Nightmares US, uncensored.

Guess who's been binge-watching them today

Lately I've noticed that I've taken a liking to possums and I honestly don't know why

uspol, birdsite 

seems like every week I'm finding new keywords to block so I can stop seeing people talk about the impeachment and/or the election.

for some it feels like I'm deliberately ignoring the news and that makes me a horrible person, but I just can't tolerate that stuff as much anymore, except in very small doses.

patreon, shameless self-promotion 

On my blog's Patreon, which I finally decided to pay attention to, I posted an update on some potential ideas I might write about in the near future.

Check the post here:

Saw a speedrun of Trackmania 2 Stadium and decided to play Trackmania again for the first time in four years.

A shame the Giant Bomb Unofficial Classic server's gone. :blobfrown:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!