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gender, fears, pride month 

So it's pride month. I'm still kinda in the closet when it comes to trying nb femme stuff.

The only reason why is because I am incredibly afraid to ask my dad's girlfriend if it's okay for me to dress like that around the house.

Wish I could get over that fear.

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pride, uspol 

It's pride month

It's wrath month

It's combination pride and wrath month

drunk affection 

Wish people were nearby so I could snuggle them

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Tonight was a night where I felt happy and comfortable.

I wish it didn't require me to be drunk to enjoy it. :blobfrown:

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Stumbled upon a YouTube playlist of good Doom music and I'm finding some absolute bangers in this

I've been playing Black Mesa and it's super hard not to play without making Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware jokes

Watching a Giant Bomb video of Trackmania and I'm now just finding out about the majestic Star Wars Metallica track.

It's so ridiculous

New on the Secret Area: Let's revisit 2012.
I look back at some of the stuff I wrote for the Secret Area's first year.

Considering its meme status these days, is it wrong to listen to Out of Touch on a day that's not Thursday? :blobthinking:

personality, gender 

Late last year, I figured out that clearly I wasn't a cis male and probably lean more non-binary/femme.

I was hoping by now this would lead to me truly expressing who I am in person, but I still hesitate.

It's getting to a point where I'm having a hard time hiding it anymore, and it's frustrating.

I wish I could be myself.

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personality, gender 

There's a point where the whole gender thing can't be hidden away forever, and I keep thinking of the consequences if I ever decided to reveal it.

It's a high chance they'd be okay with it, but there's a nonzero chance that this could damage things considerably if I even hint towards it.

Thus I hide it away and never speak of it to my family.

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personality, gender 

My aunt from Vegas is visiting for the next two weeks.

Last night, while everyone else had a considerable amount of drinks, a sober me was talking with my aunt about life, family and how I felt restrained from how I wanted to express myself.

I was hinting towards gender stuff but didn't explicitly say, and even a few months later I hesitate ever talking about it to family.

bev! boosted

What if we put a chaingun on top of Doom Marine's body! 

It'd look something... like this!

bev! boosted

man goes to his therapist. says he's been pretty sad lately. says he's been having trouble finding the joy in things.

therapist asks him if there have been any times he *has* been happy recently. man thinks for a second, then nods. says he's felt comparatively joyful on his commutes home every night, riding the bus downtown from capitol hill.

therapist closes his notebook and nods. "that makes sense," he says. "bus 10 makes me feel good, too."

other people's styles, outfit ideas 

I realize I tend to follow some people who have good goth/punk looks and I've always imagined if I could pull it off

probably not

I genuinely would love to give these posters a proper home, but I don't know if there's any demand for that stuff.

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For a while I've had some posters rolled up in my room that I had no idea what they were.

Today, I found out I have a Kirby 20th Anniversary poster, a Fallout New Vegas poster, and oddly, a poster for some GFW Radio reunion?

I seemed to get a lot of junk from PAX.

It's 6AM and christ my back is sore.

I need some cuddles and comfort right now :blobbandage:

bev! boosted

The creators of SimCity had a division that made Sim games for corporations, including a game for Chevron called SimRefinery.

For the first time ever: this is the story of Maxis Business Simulations

This is the culmination of four years of research, and I'm so proud to share it 💚

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!