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bev! boosted

if you want to stream yourself using a #gameboycamera but you don't have all the hardware to do it legit, check out this post on how to use #webgbcam in OBS!

I watched like, two videos of some schlubs going to every Rainforest Cafe and Margaritaville in the USA and now those schlubs are clogging my YouTube recommendations.

They were good videos but like, dang I don't know if I wanna watch more of their stuff

I'm still going through my price is right binge watch, but by 1980 the formula is already perfected, with only small noticeable differences, so the weirdness of those first few years is gone.

still worth watching, though.

Have so many things on my mind, so many things to do, and I just... can't do them

wish I knew why

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

"The information is really easy to find! All you have to do is join my Discord server--"

the rest is drowned out by the sound of blood pounding in my ears

Been trying a bunch of fairly recent PC games since I got a new computer.

Killing Floor 2's still alright.

Weird how many new guns are in it, though. Practically overwhelming even for me.

bev! boosted

"Respect all pronouns" includes people who want to be referred to as it/its.

No "well...". No "but...". It's not YOUR choice to make.

That is all I have to say about that. This is not up for debate.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

fursuit friday, bandcamp friday....

there's too many fridays damn it

bev! boosted

i really need stable income but since jobs aren't real anymore i'm taking any help i can get. i have a ko-fi you can send money to and there's even some pins left to buy there. i have a patreon where i don't have any rewards because i couldn't think of any and nobody has suggested any yet. you can also get a pixel portrait for a very reasonable price. or you can tell your employer about me

Every time I see a meme involving EA and "you have to pay to see the rest of this meme," I wonder what year I'm in because I thought we moved past all that

dumb trans joke, TV commercial reference 

would you get an orchiectomy for a klondike bar

bev! boosted

The existence of "Mike Judge" implies that "Judge" is a not-uncommon last name. So somewhere in the USA is there a Judge Judge

I think I realize I need to follow more cute folks on here

real talk though: having a computer that can actually handle recent games cranked up to near-max settings and run so much better is just night and day for me

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tangentially related: I totally need to find a "Get Serious" shirt like that

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!