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bev! boosted

Still feeling sick, so have a tune from Thirty Flights of Loving, which has a great soundtrack for such a short game:

Jessie's Girl but Jessie is a girl and it's a lesbian relationship and the singer wants to make it a poly relationship.

(with less creepy "nice guy" overtones.)

There's a small bit of me thinking I should start a Ko-Fi/Patreon.

But that would require me putting out content at more than a snail's pace, so it's probably why I don't do it.

today I found out mastodon has a feature where if you hover your mouse over an image it'll try to describe it (if the user added something like that).

That's pretty neat.

Looks like someone tried to hijack my Epic Games account.

Joke's on them, I don't have any credit card info, plus I just reset my password and enabled 2FA.

Try hijacking and spending $600 on Fortnite stuff now, you goddamn rubes.

sometimes you just wanna do something goofy on april 1st then just go back to bed.

at least that's how I feel right now.

I got brigaded by an esports host.

His fans left some pretty nasty comments.

It shouldn't be bothering me this much but it is. Ugh.

bev! boosted

this april fools weekend never forget the incredible brain genious at google who replaced a regular button on gmail with "send mail and attach a minion mic drop gif" and it caused people who didn't work for google to lose work

Watching Press Your Luck on Twitch makes my friday, ngl

bev! boosted

L ove to eat pizza
G otta have pizza
B uying a pizza
T aking home some pizza

I feel like I need to vent to someone about the Video Games™️ but have no outlet to do so.

If I had the time, the money, and the encouragement, I'd totally do a podcast about random video game bullshit.

MAN remember when Polygon had bomb-ass video content then Nick Robinson was outed as a creep?

Makes it really hard to watch older stuff now.

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This is not me hating on mods, I totally understand some mods making things more user-friendly, or making your twelfth playthrough more interesting.

Or you just wanna do your own Touch the Skyrim experience. I'm down with that.

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Otherwise my Skyrim experience so far is super vanilla besides some minor cosmetic changes because I'm one of those weirdos who plays Bethesda games as intended rather than layer 500 mods over it.

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I decided to try Skyrim again and I totally forgot I downloaded this dumb Portal mod:

I think I might be sick.

I'm so out of it and my voice sounds much lower than normal.

thanks, I hate it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!