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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

anyone know a place where a 6'1 girl could get some thigh highs? I've used sockdreams in the past and love them, but even their 'extraordinarily longer' socks only come up yea high. plus $20 for a pair is outside my range, despite how well made the socks are

There's something entertaining about watching videos of that 11'8" bridge and trucks getting damaged/destroyed.

Maybe it's because of the hubris of some of the drivers.

bev! boosted

happy trans day of remembering when rupaul accidentally did a google image search for "trains flag" and then tweeted the first result to try to look good

Granted I could fix it by soldering the broken connection, but I've never used a goddamn soldering iron in my life and I'm not gonna bother to do that to a $20 headset.

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Something I learned today:

Be careful if you decide to fix a floating speaker in your headset, otherwise you might do what I do and break off one of the cables off the speaker, disabling sound from the right side.

Oh well, it was a $20 Microsoft Lifechat headset I owned for several years, it was on its way out.

Bought a new headset. The same model because hey, it worked fine, why change it up?

I sometimes wonder how people can frequently post daily on social media sites.

I'm lucky to post once a day, at most.

bev! boosted

I should not obsess about my follower counts on social media.

I want to be somewhat famous, but without all the bullshit that comes with wrangling a rabid fanbase.

Let's see what I've done today: Played various games like a dork, lifted 40lb boxes of cat litter around the house, ate a french dip.

There's a small bit of me that's like "I should do something more creative or for me that's not playing video games like a fool"

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

i want a girl with a short skirt and 

The Wrong Trousers (1993)

There's a handful of people I was talking with a bunch a few months back and now I haven't talked to them in a while.

I kinda miss their conversations. :(

Help I'm listening to the theme song from "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" on loop and it's hella catchy:

bev! boosted


communities, gamergate 

After hearing 2-3 people in a discord server I was on buy right into both the "Zoe Quinn fucked five guys for positive coverage" and the "gamers are dead articles to slander us gamers" lies, I had to leave that server that had people whom I've known since I was a teenager.

It may seem petty, but sorry, I'm not arguing with Gamergate supporters, apologists or fence-sitters. Not up for it. Not in 20-fucking-18.

Using the WS4000 simulator gives me a weird sense of nostalgia.

A shame there's no music for it, but it's still nice regardless.

bev! boosted

oh no I think I just went "horny on main" like the kids say these days :blobowo:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!